Too much of anything is not good for you. The Republican party has yet to learn this. Too much exposure of their true agenda is waking up the American sleeping giant. What is the only god they truly worship? If you now realize that it's money, welcome to a group of millions of Americans who have finally had their eyes opened. There is no concern for the American people, only the concern for how to acquire more wealth and more power for the rich. One presidential candidate proudly claims to make 60 thousand dollars for a speech and 1.8 million to give history lessons. His ideas range from arresting judges that he doesn't agree with, to getting rid of child labor laws so businesses can fire the parents and hire their kids for Chinese-like wages. Another presidential front runner says corporations are people. All the while, making his fortune acquiring companies, outsourcing jobs, and firing workers. He won't release his tax forms because they would show him in the 1%. He says banks should not be hindered in any way when foreclosing on homes, stolen with outrageous bogus lending practices. Another candidate wants to make congress part-time and make himself pope of America.
If you still believe that one of these looney greed mongers would make a good president, then only bats occupy your belfry. If you listen to only hateful rhetoric from right wing radio and television zealots, then your deck of cards is quite a bit short. If you think the ultra rich should be called job creators, then your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top. If you think Republicans care about your economic struggles, your wheel is spinning but your hamster is dead. If you believe that after voting to turn Medicare over to insurance companies, that they won't gut Social Security, then your oven is on but nothing's cooking. One more sickening cliche for you. We're here and we're ready to work.