The main focus of the Fleeting American attention span is now aimed towards the realization that livable wage jobs are a thing of the past. Back in the day companies took care of their employees and employees were loyal to their company. The CEO's of major companies are now obscenely rewarded for outsourcing jobs to China and cutting workers and benefits. When companies go public, they sell their souls to the greed mongers. Workers no longer matter only share price matters.
If the pursuit of greed is the driving force of todays CEO and board of directors, then the only outcome is the demise of the American worker and his family. They say competition is the answer. Americans can't work and survive on Chinese wages. Why do Americans tolerate millions for non-productive CEO's and wages not fit for part time high school help? The pigs have been too long at the trough. All Americans are equal except when it comes to business.
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