Take a little test to see if you have become a mindless sheep following the right wing by answering the following questions:
1. Do you find it funny when a right wing commentator makes fun of a seriously disabled person?
2. Are you jealous of people in a union because they get some form of health care and you have to wait for Doctors Without Borders to come back to America
3. Do you believe the current President of the United States was born and raise in Africa?
4. Do you believe that the rich, who pay more in greens fees than you make in a year, need more tax breaks?
5. Do you think collective bargaining should be abolished because you believe it means people in unions just want to collect your money?
6. Do you think letting guns on college campuses is a good idea?
7. Do you believe because a Republican candidate who dresses up in blue jeans and eats pork rinds is just like you?
8. Is it proper in your opinion to send all our manufacturing jobs to Communist China so Republican CEO's can buy more golden toilet seats?
9. Do you believe all taxes are bad? Even the ones that provide services for you such as police and firemen?
10. Do you really believe Republican Politicians care about you?
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