Once upon a time long ago...there was a wonderful country where people cared about and for each other. The ruler of this land was elected by the people every four years. The ruler usually loved his country even more than the people did, and he would do anything he could to maintain peace and prosperity for all. One frigid winter day the frozen ground cracked and released a vile imp from the Netherworld. In the bowels of the Netherworld only two things mattered. They were money and power. The Imp saw the joy and happiness of the people and he vowed to destroy it. He quickly set out to corrupt the leaders of the political powers that governed the land. He soon found that only the leaders of one of the parties would really listen to his siren song of greed and power. His first confused confidant was a b-actor with a pleasant speaking style. This man actually headed a union at one time. The Imp was so successful with his indoctrination that soon the aged thespian was firing union members and cotting taxes for rich people. This was only the start. The Imp blasted his message of greed and power over the radio and television air waves. Soon bloated gas bags smoking cigars and spewing hate were the norm. Now to get rid of old people.
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