Alarm bells are ringing all over the country. People are camping out in city parks to protest the greed that has overthrown the government. Right here in Ohio I just saw a pro issue 2, anti union, class warfare commercial that was all about pitting working class people against one another. Instead of wanting all people to have good benefits, Republicans want you to be jealous of the people that have more than you. You know class warfare. The same kind of warfare they accuse Democrats of raising on the ultra rich.
Listen to the craziness of the right wings latest ideas. First the flat tax. This would just make the rich rich and the middle class and poor poorer. A deadly electrified fence on the border with Mexico. Get rid of the EPA. Clean air and clean water? We don't need no stinking clean air and clean water. Abolish reforms passed that are known as Obama-care. This is just a gift to the demonic health care insurance cabal. Abolish the Dodd Frank banking regulations, because we certainly don't want to reign in Wall Street. Republicans are already on record to turn Medicare over to insurance companies and to never raise taxes on the rich. Vote Republican if you really want your bell rung.
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