The class war the rich fat cat has successfully waged against America could not be won without the mindless foot soldiers. There are not enough rich people in America to vote to maintain power by themselves. They need the ignorant to vote against their own self interests and vote for the interests of the wealthy. Wealthy Republicans know how to divide and conquer the ignorant and gullible. First decide what prejudice you want to exploit. Gays want to destroy the sanctity of marriage. The Democrats want to take away your guns. Teachers and unions are the reason we are going broke. Obama wasn't born here. Now these divisive tactics appeal to the older and middle-aged mindless. How do you get the younger crowd to swing your way? No need to worry, the self centered young are too worried about a good place in line for the next cell phone incarnation to vote or pay attention. Let the music of popular culture pied piper them into oblivion. If you bring up an issue of relevance to their daily lives, they say they don't like to think about that stuff, it's too depressing. Too depressing? If that is your reality then just sit back and wait for the next form of electronic addition to soothe you.
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