Once upon a time long ago, a very smart but skirt chasing king taxed his people in a way that led to prosperity for all. The treasury even had a surplus. The kings only problem was with the royal trousers. He couldn't keep them up. His peccadilloes led to the election of a small minded king named George the second. A lot of King George's subjects called him George the lesser or George the venal. This was never done to his face of course because George the simple had many spies and loved to tap phones. Now George the Appointed always listened to his advisers. There was the big Dick and Grover "the Drown the Government Rover." His advisers told George the Gullible that the only way to stay in power was to use fear, start wars, and take all the money from the poor and middle class peasants and give it to the rich. George the Selfish did this with great gusto for eight years. He plunged his kingdom into the red by first cutting taxes on the rich and starting two wars. After eight years, George the lame was put out to pasture cutting brush. The people, with hope in their hearts elected a new King. He was smart. He had vision. He was inept. He soon lost his mandate and found it was easier to compromise and give in than hold his ground. He really wants another four years. Doesn't look good.
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