You know, like Ronald Reagans peacekeeper missel. The best one though is shared prosperity. When an oil executive was asked at a recent Congressional hearing if he believed in shared sacrifice and he said without blinking an eye that he believed in shared prosperity. Republicans don't share, they hoard. Oil and gas companies are setting world records for profits yet Republicans won't stop subsidizing them. How is charging $4.00 more for gasoline sharing prosperity? The only thing they are sharing is their let them eat cake mentality. One of my blogs in January stated what Republicans would do now that they held the house. They would cry broke and the oil and gas industry would kill any economic recovery through skyrocketing prices. I didn't have to be a Nostra-dumb-ass to see this coming. As the economy tanks do to shared Republican prosperity look for elephant like bellows of jobs, jobs, jobs again. You know the same jobs Republicans sent permanently overseas.
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