I believe that like everyone who pontificates writing a blog, my basic premise is correct. The overly wealthy have seized this country in a death grip. The average American doesn't have a chance any longer. Right wing propaganda has hypnotized the mentally lazy into voting against themselves and their own best interests. Middle America no longer exists. Young people, for the most part, would rather line up to buy the next electronic form of Soma and play video games, then open their eyes to the fact that they have become the lowest form of pawns. They tolerate jobs without benefits or union representation and spend their minimum wages on escapism in the forms of beer, drugs, and Iphones. They get hooked on credit cards because like the self-centered song lyrics proclaim "I want it all and I want it now." Our government representatives have sold us out to the greed mongers. They don't represent us only the monied interests that get them re-elected. The jobs have all been shipped out to China. Look at any product at any store and see where it was made. The Fat Cats have won. Because Americans are intellectually lazy and morally greedy, they will keep electing people who fool them with misdirection about guns, gays, abortion, health care, death panels, and whatever lies that work. There's no hope.
I completely agree. Hopefully with all the union busting attempts it will wake people up to stand against this class warfare. My generation will be the first that will not have it better than the one before them. Sadly people my age don't care enough.