Step back a moment and look at a few of the wonderful things Republicans have done and are doing for America. Reagan started the whole tax cuts for the rich ideology. He said a rising tide lifts all boats. Sort of like the tsunami that hit Japan. So for 30 years, Republicans have cut taxes for the wealthy. Look at the results this brilliant idea has wrought. Republicans want the market place to rule the economy. How's your health care costs doing? How does it feel when you put gas in your car? Now when Democrats want to take back the billions from the obscenely rich oil and gas industry, the Republicans call it a tax increase. All Republicans in Congress have taken the Norquist pledge never to raise taxes. This means Medicare, Social Security, and anything beneficial to those making under $250K has to go. Remember when Republicans screamed jobs, jobs, jobs!? The only jobs Republicans create are for their relatives and the Chinese. So if your guns and prejudices mean more to you than having a job and feeding your family, vote Republican.
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