Monday, November 21, 2011

Michelle and the Seven Foot Doctor

Doctor: "Come in Michelle and lets have a little talk about your refusal to live in the real world."

Michelle: "Oh doctor, you're so tall. How tall are you? Over seven feet I bet."

Doctor: "No Michelle I"m only five eight."

Michelle: "You look much taller."

Doctor: "Michelle, which president do you believe fought a war against slavery?"

Michelle: "George Washington. In fact all the founding fathers, Jefferson Davis, Thomas Edison, and Grover Norquist all fought wars against slavery."

Doctor: "Michelle, Grover Norquist is an anti-tax advocate and he's still alive."

Michelle: "The fight against enslaving the rich goes on."

Doctor: "Michelle, before your ah, umm, problems weren't you a lawyer for the IRS?"

Michelle: "I was a spy trying to destroy them from the inside."

Doctor: "I've decided to stop the shock therapy and do a pre-frontal lobotomy, Nurse."

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