Well Republicans finally let the average Americans know how they feel about them. It took a trickster to get an honest response from a Republican governor. All the right wing gas bags on radio and television cannot put humpty Republicans back together again. Busting unions and ridding the political landscape of Democrats, not saving money or creating jobs, are the main goals of the greed mongers. Why are Republicans so Anti-American? Why is the Republican response to health care reform Doctors without Borders? I know this might sound far fetched but what if the Republican Party has been taken over by the Communist Chinese? Ask yourself why all the manufacturing jobs are sent to China by Republican businessmen. How come the governor of Ohio wants the communist Chinese to invest in Ohio? Let's look at the Republicans favorite country, communist China. They don't have unions. They have incredibly low wages and unsafe working conditions. Company compounds house workers on site. Sounds like a distortion of a John Denver song, Republican heaven, Communist China. Republicans may not be communists because the only master they truly serve is money.
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