Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tea Party Clown Car Drives America OFF Cliff

One searingly hot summer day, as Tea Party Clowns sat around making fun of global warming, their leader, Eric the Head got an idea. Eric looked around at his weird friends, as their make-up ran down their faces in the heat. "I've got it," he shouted! Tea Party Clowns can only shout. "Instead of shrinking the government to where we can drown it in a bath tub, let's financially drive it off a cliff killing it once and for all!"

This caused quite an uproar. Michelle jumped up with a scary distant look on her face and screamed "Death to all things government!" The Gomer Pyle look-a-like clown Paul shouted "Stick it to old sick people!"

Orin, the oldest, grumpiest clown bellowed, "it's time poor people quit whining and paid their share!" Another clown with a crew cut and long side burns could only drool at the prospect of finally killing social security.

They all piled into the tiny Chinese financed elephant mobile, the one without pollution controls, and headed for the Grand Chasm. As they sped toward oblivion they realized that they too were in the rampaging elephant mobile as it was about to make it's plunge. They looked at one another and laughed maniacally. They just didn't care.

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