I was channel surfing the other Sunday and I came across some mega church pastor pontificating on the grace bestowed upon the wealthy. He actually said words to the effect that you should feel proud to flaunt your wealth. Drive your luxury car with your head held high. Don't worry about what other people think, god made you wealthy because you deserve it. What a bunch of sacrilegious garbage. These shills for the rich disregard and misinterpret the bible, and the gospels especially, for their own monetary gain. No harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, for them. No good Samaritan giving the shirt off their backs for their fellow man. Not these puffy haired hypocrites. These false prophets preach god only rewards the rich because they are deserving. What would Jesus do? He certainly wouldn't dessert the poor and embrace the rich. What feel-good, obscene trash they spout. Have they no shame or fear?
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