Ever notice when Democrats finally get someone in a position, who fights for us, and tells it like it is, he ends up in a compromising position? A president like Bill Clinton who balanced the budget and created millions of jobs felled by a blue dress. His little ego trip down deep throat lane gave us George Bush. Now this latest blow-up cripples us once again and paints Democrats as silly sex fantasy driven ego-maniacs. The worst part about these scandals is that the perpetrators are just plain stupid. When you are the most powerful man in the world you do not trust a 21 year old woman with your libido and expect her not to tell someone. What a Duh! Now we have this Congressman who ends up trusting women on the internet with explicit photo's of himself. This goes beyond stupid. Enough of Dumb and Dumber. You both committed intentional political suicide because of your tremendous ego's. All the good you accomplished and could yet accomplish has been negated by your basest desires. Democrats who wish to do good deserve better. Keep it in your pants!
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