Those of us who are fortunate enough to have a great meal during the holidays should take a moment to thank God, karma, or our lucky stars for the Republican debates. The craziness kept mostly hidden all these election cycles is now plain for everyone to see. Americans have now heard of seven foot doctors, social Ponzi schemes, electrified border fences, letting uninsured comatose patients die, less taxes on the rich and an utter disdain for the poor and for gay people. All the candidates support Gomer Pyles, I mean Paul Ryans handing over Medicare to insurance companies. We have now all heard how a never elected right wing zealot has gotten Republican congressmen to sign a no tax pledge that effectively bars them from doing their job. We have seen houses burn to the ground as firemen stood by and watched because of an unpaid $75.00 fee. And God bless tiny Newt for saying he would arrest judges he didn't agree with.
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