This age we live in is inexplicable. We have gone from landing on the moon to trying to discredit an American president by challenging his birth place. If something doesn't fit our world view then we just ignore reality and replace it with our own perception of how things exist. Facts no longer matter. Shout down the truth. Ideology is everything. Look at the recent death of Osama Bin Laden. President Obama made it one of his priorities and followed through. Republicans immediately started the stupid machine up with claims that torture and ex-president Bush were responsible for Bin Ladens death. The same president Bush that repeatedly said he wasn't concerned about the where-a-bouts of Bin Laden. He's on tape saying it multiple times. Doesn't matter. Facts don't matter. Spin matters. We have entered an age of de-evolution. Intelligent people are scorned while populist windbags with red neck values are elevated. If you repeat a lie enough times people with IQs that match the number of teeth they have will believe it. This is how rich Fat Cat Republicans stay in power.
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