Keep your government hands off my social security! He wasn't born here. No to socialistic health care! Are you kidding me?
It shouldn't call itself the Tea-Party, it should call itself the D.A.D. Party (Dumbing America Down) or how about D.O.G. Party (Dragons of Greed). This is just another morphing of the Republican party into it's next extreme incarnation.
There have always been people who believe that all government policy, regulation, or taxes are wrong and should be abolished. These are generally the people who have the most. They are the ones with something to lose. I'll say one thing for these types, they know how to coin a phrase: Death panels, Obama care, momma grizz-lies, just to name a few. How about Quality Life Panels, Obama cares but you don't, or the empty basket from Alaska.
Tell me why Americans don't want to pay for anything anymore? Why is it suicide to say the word taxes? OK, lets take away all regulation and taxes and just take care of ourselves. Surely the Fat-Cats of the business world will treat us fairly. Remember the guy from Enron saying screw grandma if she couldn't pay her electric bill? Can you really afford to pay for your own security cop, fireman, teachers, road clearing crews, outrageous electric and gas rates and out of sight food bills? The Fat Cats can, the rest of us will have to live on solent green.
Before you decide to drink the Tea Party Kool-Aid and elect a business candidate, remember the only jobs a business Fat Cat ever created was for the Chinese and maybe his relatives.