I've always been puzzled as to how people can be convinced to vote against their own interests. Let's take the government passed health care bill for example. People with pre existing health problems will now be able to get insurance. Insurance companies will not be able to refuse coverage for needed procedures. Most people will be covered eventually lowering cost all around. These all sound like beneficial answers to Americans, being treated like they live in a third world country. Doctors without borders has had to come in to treat our countrymen, women, and children that can't afford insurance. How can this bill be bad? Yet, there are people in every state bringing around petitions to be signed so their state can opt out of the bills provisions. Doesn't make sense. That is unless you listen to the voices of intolerance on certain radio and television stations. These Fat Cats shills of big business bend the truth and blow the hot air trumpets of Armageddon every time something doesn't go their way. I think it is because these so-called prophets of America have learned how to appeal to the Lizard brain that is buried deep inside of all of us. You know the part that is ready to bare teeth and snap at anything that is unknown. Most people have learned to deal with this side of their psyche but other simply run with it.
It's a lot like the lowest common denominator in humor. Some comics can only get laughs using base vulgar humor, others take a more thoughtful approach. I realize that thankfully in this country we all have freedom of speech. I also realize that appealing to the baser nature in people is entertaining and lucrative. The problem is that people would rather embrace a lie, that secretly they know is a lie, because deep down they identify with the message.
Who was it that said repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth? No matter a vast amount of people don't care anyway.
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