As a Fat Cat, my fellow feline plunderers, my greatest concern is the law of diminishing returns. At some point in the near future we will have pillaged everything possible. We've ruined the land with our hydrolic fracture drilling. We've befouled the air with soot and carcinogens. The food supply is contaminated by de-regulation. War has been a gold mine for us but everyman grows weary of it. Heaven knows none of us chicken hawk Fat Cats would ever let our kids on enlist. The sea is filled with oil sludge. Fat Cats everywhere have bought up water rights. Turnpikes and utilities are now in our hands. We've sent every job possible to China, India, and even Vietnam. Soon everyman won't have anymore money we can take from him. IF everyman can't afford the fast food that he makes, what then? Pitting them against one another has gotten us this far, but what next? Maybe we should be looking at a way to feed the homeless to the hungry. I'm sure we can turn a profit with that.
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