I never realized before I started this blog, thepattern that is constantly repeated enabling Fat Catas to stay being Fat Cats. The Fat Cats of this country create a crisis. They create the crisis. Then they blame everybody but themselves for the problem. The crisis is always one that will make the Fat Cat richer. Whether it is the oil famine swine flue or housing scandals. They always profit. The oil companies now are totally destroying the environment with hydrolic fracture drilling. This is done under the mantra of oil independence from foreigners. The very foreigners they are partners with. The swine flue non-epidemic reaped millions for vaccine companies. And lets not even go where the bankers went. how is this possible? It is possible because the American public by and large is lazy and stupid. They love believing the outright lies and distortions told by the Fat Cat media. Wait till you see the next cliff the Fat Cat pied pipers are about to lead us over. You just know it will be a doozey.
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