Sunday, December 30, 2012
Do We Or Don't We Want A Federal Government?
A simple enough question, do we want a Federal government or not? For Democrats the answer seems to be yes, and for Republicans the answer seems to be no. Democrats are like the staff members at a day care center, and Republicans are the un-rulely brats in their care. The brats have taken over one wing of the house and refuse to share or get along. The only two words the rich spoiled brats ever learned are gimmie and mine. In another wing of the day care only a minority of the children are brats. Their biggest bully is a little monster named Phillup Bluster. He is a threat that causes endless gridlock. The head of this insane day care sits in his office and is at a total loss of how to make the brats behave. This state of uncontrolled chaos by rich self centered brats has been going on since the new head of the day care got his job. The only hope in sight is in two years the parents of the brats just might have their brats removed from the day care by unanimous votes of good parents.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Chicken Suits at Christmas
Let's face it, Republican Congressmen, for all their posturing, are a bunch of Chicken Littles. They should try some of those testosterone products now on the market. They quake with fear every time a little one issue un-elected lobbyist says they are violating his no tax pledge. They tremble at the thought they might face a primary challenge because they weren't ideologically pure enough. Never mind that you were elected to serve all Americans not just right wing nut bags. The same thing holds true for the fear of the N.R.A.. Innocent slaughtered children will not stop Republican lawmakers from protecting assault weapons from regulation. They really should consider which deities they genuflect to. Americans are finally realizing the new slash and burn Republican party is out to dismantle the government and as their leader says drown it in the bathtub. Well Chicken Littles the time to look up and see the sky falling will be 2014.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The Answer To Gun Violence, More Guns?
Two America's ? You bet. Most Americans, after witnessing the recent unimaginable horror, think some form of gun regulation needs to be enacted. The other America, and it's sycophants in congress, believe this country should return to the days of the wild west, and the only way to stop mass murderers is to arm everyone. One member of congress was on national T.V. saying he wished the principal who was murdered, had a gun to blow the head off the killer. WHAT? The governor of Texas says he wants Texans to be able to carry guns everywhere in the state. WHAT? When asked why the average citizen needs an assault rifle, a gun advocate said they needed them in case they needed to fight the government. WHAT? Are you kidding me? The answer to slaughter is more slaughter? Peaceful teachers,who dedicate their lives teaching children now need to learn how to blow off heads? WHAT? Minsters in church need to conceal glocks under their robes? WHAT? These solutions are as crazy as the nuts who come up with them. Here in Ohio, you can only use shotguns or primitive weapons to hunt deer. No rifles allowed. The shot guns can only contain three rounds. But you can still own an assault rifle. WHAT FOR?
Sunday, December 16, 2012
When Rights Go Wrong
We are forced to experience what happens when people take a right to the ultimate extreme. The right to bare arms has been stretched so far that certain right wingers feel any weapon they want they should be able to own. They detest any law that would impinge on this idea. So what we end up with is the mass murder of innocents by the deranged. This don't tread on me and what I want philosophy has no place in a civilized society. There is no real need to own an assault weapon. If you wish protection a shotgun is sufficient,and the range is limited. What is desperately needed is background checks to gauge the mentality of people seeking life ending devices. We all take a test to see if we can handle a car. Car accidents kill thousands and so do guns. Easy access to weapons at gun shows needs to be stopped. I hunt but would never consider using an assault weapon to do so. Some form of gun control needs to be enacted to protect the innocent from the demented.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Great Caesars Ghost
Remember the old Superman T.V. series where Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet, would see some crazy situation and exclaim " Great Caesars Ghost?" If Perry were around today and saw what was going on, he would probably stroke out and die. A new super villain now threatens America. He is the infamous Grasping Greed. To him and his evil legions the only thing that matters is money. People are just collateral damage to be disregarded when acquiring wealth from them. People don't matter. He broadcasts a hypnotic siren call from his own propaganda media stations. This form of mesmerism transforms poor and middle class angry white people into rabidly voting against their own self interests. His lieutenants take over state governments with the pledge of jobs jobs jobs and then pass laws restricting unions,complicating voter access, and de-funding women's health care. Yes, Grasping Greed is part dragon guarding his treasure hoard, part angry white male, part religious fanatic, and totally devoid of compassion. Superman where are you we need you.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Obstructionists Go Cliff Diving
Like an abusive spouse, the Republicans in the House of Representatives have decided that if they don't get their way, everyone suffers. The really strange thing is a lot of people don't believe the Tea baggers will cliff dive. Of course they will. They don't govern they dismember. Their unelected leader wants his zombies to make government so small he can drag it into the bathroom and drown it. When your elite base has more money than god, it doesn't matter if your obstructionist policies cause more misery for average Americans. The empty chairs they set out this last election, are a perfect metaphor for their empty com passionless agenda. The propaganda spin machine on the right will soon start the unending drumbeat that everything is the presidents fault. The next thing , if they can import enough angry white men from Pluto, will be to change the electoral college and voting access for Democrats. After they take us over the fiscal cliff they built in 2011 they will default on raising the debt ceiling. Let's face it if money and greed are your reason for being, people and their problems aren't your concern.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
The Doomsday People
Do you realize doomsday comes for thousands of people each day? It is called death. Death is the end of the world for those whom it claims. We all face death one day. This will be the end of the world for us. Death is the natural state of affairs for everyone. Right now there is a panic over the date Dec. 21st 2012. Millions of people believe it will be the end of civilization. Really? Some believers are arming up and filling bug out bags with essentials. Others are so terrified they are contemplating suicide. Really? Life is tough but death is permanent. What if on Dec. 22nd the sun comes up on an unchanged landscape? What then preppers? A lot of these people, whose whole life now consists of planning for the end, are just playing. It's a game of pretend survival. Not only that I think many of these dis functional citizens actually want this world to end. Then they can become little rulers over their tiny family kingdoms. If Dec. 22nd dawns without calamity the only thing these heads of households will have passed on to their families is a warped isolationist view. Remember the year 2000 computer scare? Planes were going to crash and computers were all going to malfunction. Didn't happen did it? Will there be chaos on Dec.22nd? You bet. But it won't be caused by solar storms or comets crashing. It will be caused by the disappointed preppers screaming like a bunch of chicken littles.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Monsters On Maple Street
I must be missing something. Don't we all need basically the same things? Being human, we all need food, shelter, clean drinkable water, fresh air,a means of income, health care, and a reasonable amount of freedom to acquire these things. This being the case why do some people wish to rig the deck to stop others from getting these life essentials? There has been an unending attack on affordable health care, unions,regulation of air and water pollutants, inspection of food products, rights of marriage to certain groups of people,and a women's control over her own body. Is this war fought because of greed and power? I just don't get it. Some of these zealots, in their quest for all out control, are starting to resemble the Orcs from the Hobbit. They have gone over to the dark side. This country was founded in the ideals of freedom for all. I don't see any freedom when states elect people who sound like 1940's movie heavies asking for papers please, where are your papers? Or men elected by campaigning on a platform of jobs, jobs, jobs, and then passing legislation to negate a woman's control over her own body. Has the Ministry of Propaganda, better known as right wing media, really convinced half of America that the other half is the godless enemy? Rod Serlings Twilight Zone aired a fabulous episode called " The Monsters on Maple Street ". In it aliens from space,pit one neighbor against another by sowing the seeds of distrust and fear. Then they take over. If Rod could only see America now.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
We Have Met The Enemy And He Is Us
The creator of the the comic strip Pogo, Walt Kelly, had his character state the real problem with Americans. We are our own worst enemies. It is easy to believe it watching the childish travesty going on in Washington D.C..Once again it's us against them. Americans don't seem to matter, only forcing your ideology on all Americans matters. History always repeats and the un-cival war is on. Republicans,protectors of the rich, think they once again can win the war through obstructionism. It is time to go over the fiscal cliff. It is also time to invoke the 14th amendment when dealing with the debt ceiling. According to the beloved constitution America will pay its debts. Hard times,that don't have to be, are ahead. Let the Republican party secede and let Republicans all move South. They can pretend it is the 1950's and pretend all the Chinese plastic crap they buy is made in America. Woman will once again genuflect to their husbands every whim.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Why Do We Feel The Need For Greed?
Thanksgiving Day is over for 2012. If we survive all the dire predictions of the world ending on Dec. 21st. maybe we should change Thanksgiving Day to Greedy Shopping Day. We can begin the day by having a hearty breakfast of fast food and energy drinks. Spread out all the store ads and coupons to put a battle plan together. You can't possibly beat the people camping out since Halloween but a good plan of attack will make you competitive. The family will then feast on the new holiday sensation, road runner. After dinner turn on the idiot box and get a last minute shopping pep talk from the local news team shilling for the stores. Then it's off to the war zone to elbow and claw your way screaming as you try and beat everyone out of inferior Chinese made products. As you stand in the check out line for hours you bask in the competitive glow of pure greed. Just look at all the Chinese plastic lead painted crap you got for kids this Gimmiemas Day.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thanksgiving For A Presidential Gift
What was my gift from the president? According to the fifty thousand dollar a day Republican runner-up, I like all others who voted for president Obama, was given a bauble to do so. My gift was peace of mind. To me there is no greater gift. I no longer have to worry that Medicare will be turned over to insurance companies. I no longer worry that Social Security will become a play thing for Wall Street. I am confident the domestic car industry will remain strong. War with Iran is now not the first and only option. I am so thankful the most strident Tea Party congressmen were defeated. I am thankful Sherrod Brown beat back millions of outside super pack dollars to stay and fight for Ohioans in the senate. I am really thankful that right wing propagandists have been outed for what they are. I am thankful the Republicans in congress will no longer waste money and time trying to repeal Obama-care.Thank you for my gift Mr. President!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
I'll Take My Ball and Go Home
Remember the kid with the new football? If he didn't get his way when choosing up sides for the game,he would threaten to take his ball and go home. Sounds like today's Republican Party doesn't it? The problem is they no longer have the ball. The American voter gave the ball to the Democrats. If Republicans in the House of Representatives don't play ball, it will cause the lemmings into the sea effect. This is the equivalent of taking the ball and going home. The obstructionist's Republican Party will try and blame this on the Democrats.Just like tax cuts for the rich, Americans aren't buying it. Oh sure some of the party faithful will buy the zealot spewed propaganda but Americans as a whole will reject the dour faced protectors of the wealthy. Working for the good of all Americans doesn't seem be part of the Republican play book. It is time for the Democrats to use the steamroller option. Hopefully this last election took the timid approach out of the Democrat game plan.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The Sour Grapes Birthers Want Out, Good.
The poor loser syndrome is now in full view. Birthers and anti-Obama care Tea Baggers want out of the union. Now that their ideology has been repudiated by a majority of the American electorate, they find living here intolerable. They have petition drives in many states wishing to secede. LET THEM LEAVE! Most of the states that want out, get more back per tax dollar taxed, than paid in. These takers of all handouts governmental, who endlessly complain about government, should be allowed to unburden the rest of us from giving them stuff. These people should be aloud to opt out totally. No more presidents,congressmen,governors, or school marms telling them what to do. They should be allowed to live in compounds, dress like Ben Franklin, hang tea bags from their hats, and live like hippies in 1968. No taxes, no medicare and no politicians telling them to stop clinging to their guns and bibles.LEAVE! Go to your black but mostly white paradise. The rest of us bid you farewell from the 21st century.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
You Just Don't Get It
Millions of people tune in to watch Judge Judy. I think a lot of the viewers enjoy the fact she gets the final say. They relish the implementation of common sense by an authoritarian,no nonsense woman. The Republican Party needs to listen to someone like Judge Judy to tell them they just don't get it. A lot of Republicans feel they lost lost the presidency and most congressional contests because they weren't conservative enough. They just don't get it. No taxes for the wealthy, and a biblical interpretation thumped on their heads by strident right wing zealots, turns off a majority of Americans. The rich are rich enough. Just look at the millions of dollars the rich threw down the rat hole in this last election. They scream about a dismal job market and instead of using their wealth to create jobs they blow it trying to elect candidates with a message Americans reject. THEY JUST DON'T GET IT!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted
Oh those wacky billionaires and millionaires, throwing their money down the political outhouse hole. The Supreme Court handed the rich an influential leg up when they allowed money to flow unrestrained to political parties. So being unfettered by any controls, the rich poured money all over their anointed ones, The money in the form of media buys, showed the real concerns of the Republican party and they were promptly rejected by mainstream America. The massive infusion of money turned out not to matter. Women and minorities decided the election.Here in Ohio, all the empty chairs and Romney, Ryan, Mandel signs set up by the thousands now are just waste matter to be added to the landfill of Republican ideas. It is still a matter of concern that obstructionist Republicans control the House of Representatives. Gridlock will remain until the Republican party goes the way of the dinosaurs.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
The End Is Near
Remember those old cartoons of some rag tag bearded prophet, holding a sign claiming doomsday was at hand? At least it's the end of this horrendous election cycle. Americans are about to decide the future direction and moral compass we will follow. We will follow one of two path's. Either people matter or they don't. It's the golden rule or the law of the jungle. I think mankind, as a whole ,is periodically genetically driven to this decision.This genetic compulsion flares up in the form of moral outrage every 50 years or so. It has triggered every war ever fought. Just look at the indignation during the Civil War over slavery or the scape goating of Germany's economic problems by blaming Jews. On and on it goes. War is a total abomination yet there is always a some reason found to have one. This build up of bile is quite evident watching the recent political campaigns. We are about to find out if America's body can absorb the infection or it erupts into gangrene.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Fix- Every- Major Disaster- Alone, or Mitts F. E. M. A.
It's hurricane in 2013. A monstrous super hurricane barrels towards Texas and the surrounding states. Both Ron Paul and Rick Perry take private jet flights out to go mountain climbing. The storm slams into Texas with the force of a thousand nuclear bombs.Most people didn't evacuate because the weather satellite system was terminated due to budget cuts. Countless business's are destroyed. Bodies float in the streets,unclaimed, because the for profit recovery services can't find relatives to pay for pick up. Generators and wood products are being sold for 50 times their original cost. Drinking water is ten dollars a glass. High school shelters are mostly vacant because now they charge 100 dollars a night per person. The lack of edible food creates a need for a new form of Texas chili made from people. The cost of 25 dollars a bowl creates a clamor for Texas Chili franchises. President Willard, after his vacation, comes on T.V. and says " See the private sector always works best,carry on." The apprentice comes back on T.V..
Monday, October 29, 2012
Beware False Profits
The American voter is poised to elect Mr. Chameleon to the presidency. This is a man whose chosen career path ,dismantled companies, and put workers out of jobs. All this misery in the name of profit. Now after his election his party,chanting the mantra of "we can't afford it",will end Medicare as we know it and take women's right's back to the 19th century. Americans have become a greedy self centered frivolous people ,who are intellectually lazy. They actually think that more tax breaks for the rich and less regulations on banks and Wall Street will bring us to the promised land. With the memories of amnesia victims they happily think the Republican party will have their best interests at heart. How many Americans, do you think ever read George Orwell's Animal farm? It is said we get the government we deserve. What did we do to deserve what's coming? Take note world ,America like Ancient Rome is in decline.We didn't need water coursing through lead pipes to bring us down, just endless propaganda generated by the rich pigs running the farm.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
God's Plan For Women Is WHAT?
Let us see, one Republican candidate says a woman's body can block a pregnancy, during a rape. Another Republican candidate says a pregnancy caused by rape is God's plan. This pretty much sums up the Republican condescending attitude towards women. What voices in their heads are some of these zealots hearing? What deity are they really listening too? Don't be fooled by the televised slight of hand, paid for by out of state male millionaires. These zealots once in office are coming for your hard fought rights. Look at what happened after the 2010 Tea Party take over. In Republican victories in a lot of states the first item on the agenda was the complication of a woman's right to choose. If Republicans take over on a national scale women, and their right to be in charge of their own bodies, will become once again chattel to be ruled over by men. Vote Republican if you really long for the 19th century.
Monday, October 22, 2012
It's The Policies Stupid
Why has every run, for every elected office,degenerated into a high school like popularity contest? Just because a candidate has good hair or projects well doesn't mean he will have your best interests at heart. It's his policies stupid. Do average Americans want a president whose only dreams are about how much money he and his rich friends can skim from social programs? It is hard to believe Joe Dumbass is about to vote to worsen the same policies that created our financial meltdown. What must other countries think when they look at the freak show that has become American politics? Yes let us harken back to the dark ages once more. Don't you long for Doctors Without Borders to provide your health care again? Don't you want a voucher system for senior health care so insurance companies can rake in your Social Security money? Yes ladies your vote may mean pretending only men enjoy sex and your only function is reproduction. If you vote for the same policies that have been turning this country over to the rich since Reagan was elected then you are way dumber then a bag of hammers.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Ode to an Empty Chair
If on your lawn you've set an empty chair,
you really don't have very much upstairs.
For the president you show only distain,
and for others you care not about all their pain.
You and your politics scream out I don't care.
An ancient cowboy actor set your stage,
but most Americans have now turned the page.
Your lack of empathy is something to see,
if it were up to you even air wouldn't be free.
You need to chill out and lose some of that rage.
Strap your dog on top of your foreign made car,
Head for parts unknown, travel afar.
Thump your bible quite hard on the top of your head,
stop for greasy food long long before bed.
Seek out and live in the state with a lone star.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Diary Of A Wimpy President
A Very popular series of books, among children, by author Jeff Kinney gave me the idea for the title of this blog. As I watched the president govern the last 4 years, I couldn't understand how he could be forced into letting the Bush tax cuts continue for two more years. I also couldn't understand how he allowed Republicans to hold the country hostage over a debt ceiling vote they agreed to many times before under president Bush. Then I watched his debate with Willard and all became clear. The president is a wimp. He doesn't have a clue how to deal with bullies. It would be great if Joe Biden and the president could switch jobs. Jolten Joe knows you can't give into bullies. Look how he handed Paul Ryan his lunch. Democrats are hungry for fighters not professorial wimps. Democrats across the country are dismayed by a well meaning president who is all foam and no beer.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Can't We All Just Get Along?
Remember the phrase " Can't we all just get along?"It was uttered by Rodney King during horrible rioting. The rioting took place supposedly because of the beating Mr. King received at the hands of police. When the policemen on trial for use of excessive force, were acquitted, the riots began. Some rioters were taped hauling a truck driver from his cab and viciously beating him with a huge brick.After the final blow the cowardly rioters gave each other the high five. Stores were looted and burned. People were shot and killed. Mr. King spoke his now famous phrase. But we really can't get along. The people on this planet have evolved into extremely violent human beings, It is not one race or one religion that is causing all the turmoil. It is the intolerance in all races and all religions causing hatred to flourish. Are we, in today's world,being manipulated by some demonic fallen angel,or are we cursed with an intolerance gene driving us to destruction? We used to care about and for one another. Now we seem to only care about ourselves.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Endless Signs, No End In Sight
Every community in America is presently littered with mindless fake patriotic, political signs. The majority of signs have some level of the colors red white or blue. They may have stars, flags, or eagles. Another sea of plastic coated slogans sent to landfills to live for thousands of years. Yet, there are really only two political parties. Candidates who run as independents are really closet members of one or the other. Joe Lieberman is a closet Republican and Bernie Sanders is a closet Democrat. I have a solution to all the political babble in the form of signs and commercials. A spot in each community would be designated as the only place for a sign from each political party. The signs would read MONEY IS EVERYTHING or PEOPLE FIRST with a list of their respective candidates. You guess which sign belongs to which party.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
MARS, The Angry Dead Planet
Place: Mars, The Red House
Time: The Distant Past
Chief of Staff: " Mr. President our top scientists are here to warn us of impending DOOM!"
President: "Well tell them they have 2 minutes. I have to meet with our oil and gas benefactors for lunch."
The scientists enter and the head scientist speaks.
"Mr. President our planet is about to become an arid and lifeless cinder unless we stop using fossil fuels."
President: "What? You dare to vilify the very industries that have backed my ascension to power."
Head Scientist: "Sir with all due respect, all life on this planet faces immediate extinction if we don't act."
President: "Are all scientists in agreement on this?"
Head Scientist: "All but scientist Glen Limreily, he says planet warming is a hoax and the great god Mars is in control."
President: " Well there you go. I'm with scientist Glen Limreily on this one."
Head Scientist:" But President Shamus....
President: " Speaking of butts get yours out of my office and send in the oil and gas men.I'm hungry for some baby seals boiled in crude oil."
Time: The Distant Past
Chief of Staff: " Mr. President our top scientists are here to warn us of impending DOOM!"
President: "Well tell them they have 2 minutes. I have to meet with our oil and gas benefactors for lunch."
The scientists enter and the head scientist speaks.
"Mr. President our planet is about to become an arid and lifeless cinder unless we stop using fossil fuels."
President: "What? You dare to vilify the very industries that have backed my ascension to power."
Head Scientist: "Sir with all due respect, all life on this planet faces immediate extinction if we don't act."
President: "Are all scientists in agreement on this?"
Head Scientist: "All but scientist Glen Limreily, he says planet warming is a hoax and the great god Mars is in control."
President: " Well there you go. I'm with scientist Glen Limreily on this one."
Head Scientist:" But President Shamus....
President: " Speaking of butts get yours out of my office and send in the oil and gas men.I'm hungry for some baby seals boiled in crude oil."
Monday, October 1, 2012
A DAY in the Life of a Rich Right- Winger
It's 11a.m., the maid enters the room with a golden breakfast platter laden with eggs Benedict Arnold and a latte.You remove your sleep mask and wobble to the master bath. Jeeves your butler has readied the shower and stands patiently by with heated towel. After your morning constitutional you instruct Jeeves to purchase silk toilet tissue from a new vender because the current tissue chaffs your sensitive bottom. Climbing back in bed you bristle at the fact the maid has not placed your silver spoon close enough. You fire the maid. After breakfast Jeeves helps you dress. Your chauffeur brings the limo to the door and it's off to work. You arrive at your company, Job Exporters-R-Us. The doorman's top coat button isn't fastened as he opens the door for you. You fire the doorman. You take your private elevator to your office and notice a gum wrapper on the floor.You fire the entire cleaning crew. You like firing people who provide services for you. You turn to your computer to find the price of gasoline has dropped. Damn Democrats! Your anger causes you to have a massive stroke. You lay slumped in your expensive leather chair unnoticed for days because you've fired all the office personal. Too bad, you might have lived.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
A Day In The Life of a Non-Rich Right Winger
It's 5.00am. time to get up and get ready for work. Make a cup of instant coffee and reach for the cereal. Ran out of milk have to use water. Trailer door is stuck, kick it open. Go to start 15 year old car. Door is stuck climb through window. Hope battery isn't dead. After 7 tries engine sputters to life. Turn on right wing radio channel for drive to work. Learn current president used to be a cannibal. After loud screeching of metal on metal brake parts park car at back of lot. Enter workplace to the howls of indignation from right wing radio personality screaming employer paid health care is socialism. Punch in and start work unloading products you used to make now made in China. Cut hand deeply on lead painted toy. Run to restroom to stop bleeding using toilet paper. Hope your 19 year old boss didn't see you take unauthorized bathroom break. After 10 hour day, of which only 8 paid, you head home. The afternoon right wing commentator says Nancy Pelosi is a devil worshiper. Sit down on porch to enjoy T.V. dinner from China. Turn on right wing television network. Serious looking announcer says recent deregulation of electric companies is good for the economy. Television goes dark for lack of payment on now huge electric bill. Damn Democrats! Stumble into dark trailer and go to bed.
Monday, September 24, 2012
The Perfect Republican Slogan, I Don't Care!
Finally, a slogan from the Republican presidential candidate worthy of his entire party." I don't care about them." Why don't they care? Because Democrats are the OTHER. How about taking the slogan one step farther so you can put it on a bumper sticker. The luxury car adornment would read " I DON'T CARE AND I DON'T SHARE." Here's another " MONEY MATTERS PEOPLE DON'T!"How about " WE FEED BIG OIL NOT THE HUNGRY." Or "NEED A JOB ? MOVE TO CHINA." Here's some for Mitt, " IF ELECTED I WILL BE THE BAIN OF YOUR EXISTENCE . "Or " NO PROFIT OUTSOURCE ." Let us not leave out Willards running mate, " I LOVE HEALTH INSURANCE ..... COMPANIES." " A WOMEN'S RIGHT IS TO BARE CHILDREN." You get the idea.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Let's Divide and Have Two America's
President Obama has said that there isn't a red and a blue America but one America. I hate to differ with the president but there are two America's. Just ask the Republican presidential candidate. He says half of Americans claim to be victims and want to get a free government ride. So let us take the Republican theology a step further and divide the country. Elect two presidents and four houses of congress.Red state America can opt out of Medicare Social Security, Planned Parenthood, and anything else that doesn't fit in with their law of the jungle mindset. If they do decide to collect any taxes they can go to the military, checking candidate birth certificates, and making gun ownership mandatory. Blue state America can institute universal health care, renewable energy policies,and an end to warlike intervention for oil. I for one am tired of bible thumping hail to the rich mentality being forced on my blue state mind. I am sure red state Americans feel the same way about blue state compassion. I know their pick for president dose .
Monday, September 17, 2012
Back to the 50's Communist Chinese Style
Yes after the 2012 elections, America could charge backwards into the 1950's. Birth control would consist of a bundling board. Women would be constantly pregnant, or nun like celibates, because men say so. Unions would be banned. The word pollution will be changed to fertilizer. The rich will bring their money back from foreign banks because they will no longer pay any taxes. They will still invest their money with the Communist Chinese because Chinese factory workers live in company run compounds and work for an average of 61 cents an hour. Oil and gas companies will be considered sacred like Hindu cattle. At the age of 65 the elderly will be turned into Solent Green wafers eliminating the need for Social Security and Medicare. Of course rich people will be exempt from the 65 age limit, because lets face it, they are the job creators.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
What Republican Ideas Appeal to Women?
I can see where even the poorest of men can be misled into voting Republican, but I am baffled as to how women feel it is in their best interest to do so. Most of the women I have met seem to have an excellent propaganda filter. The Republican party seems to send the message that it is time to reel in women's hard won rights. The Republican presidential candidate has actually said he would get rid of Planned Parenthood. Republican state legislatures have tried to pass and in some instances passed invasive ultra sound laws before any pregnancy termination. Their political platform states abortion must never be allowed even in cases of rape or incest. To be forced to carry to term the off-spring of a monster that brutalized you is unbelievable. The rational for this lifetime descent into hell is it's not the babies fault. So basically they wish women to just grin and bare it. Right wing radio and television hucksters may appeal to men but surely comments about using aspirin as birth control have to disgust all women. Once a women goes to vote her vote is just as powerful and private as any mans. Maybe a lot of women are going to show how they really feel Nov. 6th..
Monday, September 10, 2012
Go Ahead Make Our Day
Alright, let us say the Republicans take total control of the government in 2013. Now we must remember
Republicans loathe taxes and government regulations of any kind.They hate government so much they spent hundreds of millions of dollars so they could be in charge of it. Once in charge the top priority is the elimination of Obama care, Medicare, Medicaid, and the real prize Social Security. Of course this is under the guise of dismantling the safety net in order to save it. This leads them to the ultimate goal of no taxes for the job creators, them, and getting rid of any regulations. Once any burden is shifted totally from the rich any responsibility for care of the undeserving great unwashed goes to the state Republican legislators in the form of block grants. As sudden as a quick draw,it's back to the days of the Wild West and the robber baron.Soon, metaphorically speaking,there will be a new sheriff in town. Think America will enjoy traveling back to the 1850s? I won't.
Republicans loathe taxes and government regulations of any kind.They hate government so much they spent hundreds of millions of dollars so they could be in charge of it. Once in charge the top priority is the elimination of Obama care, Medicare, Medicaid, and the real prize Social Security. Of course this is under the guise of dismantling the safety net in order to save it. This leads them to the ultimate goal of no taxes for the job creators, them, and getting rid of any regulations. Once any burden is shifted totally from the rich any responsibility for care of the undeserving great unwashed goes to the state Republican legislators in the form of block grants. As sudden as a quick draw,it's back to the days of the Wild West and the robber baron.Soon, metaphorically speaking,there will be a new sheriff in town. Think America will enjoy traveling back to the 1850s? I won't.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Science is Considered Voodoo by Some in the U.S.
One thing the internet has done, is everyone including myself, can foist an opinion on the world. The problem becomes evident when everyone thinks he or she has the true answers to life rather than just an opinion. Too many people with limited educational skills reject the ideas and facts of established scientists because of their belief systems. Their beliefs become a mental placebo. Because they believe it, and it makes them feel good, their beliefs become truth. So if your beliefs make you happy scientific facts only ruin your happiness. Science becomes Voodoo because it falls outside your belief system. Now throw in your personal interpretation of the bible or any book considered holy by you, and scientists become pointy headed Voodoo priests spouting heresy. This mentality considers evolution, D.N.A. research, global warming and stem cell research as immoral magic. Watch the 2012 elections to see if we move ahead into the future or slide backwards into a repressive past.
Monday, September 3, 2012
What's Next America, Witch Trials for Scientists?
The dumbing down of Americans is proceeding at such an incredible pace, that soon they will probably run inside during an eclipse and hide in their basements or under their trailers.The idea that the bible be taken literally and that science is voodoo is taking hold, not just down South and out West but all over the country. You even have a political party that would rather govern by biblical standards instead of the constitution. Do we have to re-try the Scopes monkey trial again? I hate to point this out but the earth is not just 10,000 years old and man did not ride on the backs of dinosaurs. That was from a cartoon called the Flintstones. The earth is not the the center of the universe and the sun doesn't revolve around it.Oh by the way global warming due to mans polluting of the planet is real. You'll find this out as many of the Southern states disappear underwater. Try having a preacher pray away any new super hurricanes like some of them claimed to do in the past. See if abject denial of science and facts will slow the tides.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Great Liars Are Great Magicians
"The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous." Both the title of this blog post and the first sentence are quotes attributed to Adolf Hitler. The political propaganda we are seeing and hearing today can be traced back to the same techniques used in 1930s and 1940s Germany. Techniques like" If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." This quote is from Joseph Goebbels. Just look at the disinformation being disseminated as facts today. People who refuse to accept the scientific reality of evolution open creation museums to refute it. Haters of president Obama challenge his legitimacy by questioning his birth certificate. Those who distrust science in general say global warming is a hoax perpetuated by Al Gore.
The second half of the first quote is" In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand, your slogan"{. Both sides use propaganda but one side is exceptionally good at it.
The second half of the first quote is" In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand, your slogan"{. Both sides use propaganda but one side is exceptionally good at it.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Beware the American Monster
America was once a role model for other nations. This is no longer so, and the world needs to pay attention. America was bitten by the greed werewolf. The initial attack took place, I believe, during the presidential election of 1980. This form of Lycanthropy is not dictated by moon phases. It is a full blown 24-7 malady. The greed virus ran rampant during the years 2000 to 2008. World financial institutions and even whole countries didn't realize the U.S. greed virus was going to change their lives but it did. This monster has an absolutely insationable lust for money. Money is its food, its essence, its god. Americans are now almost totally infected and poised to repeat and exacerbate its past nearly financialy fatal mistakes. Look how one political party calls nations that try to put their people first socialists.If this party takes power all bets are off. This party actually has a platform stating the goal of taking womens reproductive rights from them and letting male lawmakers decide whats good for them. This party wishes to give Medicare over to insurance companies let Social Security be run by Wall Sreet and take the money from these programs , and give it in the form of tax breaks to the obscenely rich. It also wishes to engorge its bloated military.Can this disease be halted? The 2012 elections hold the answer.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Mitt the Flip and Mr. Bold Super Heroes of the Rich
The selection process was done at last. Mitt the Flip had chosen Mr. Bold as his running mate. The super hero of the rich, whose only power was his ability to come down both sides of an issue at the same time, had now brought the boldness of youthful cold-hearted ruthlessness to this campaign. Rich people were elated. They would soon no longer have to pay taxes to extend the worthless lives of those people aged 65 and older. Soon they could gamble, on Wall Street, with tax payer money. Public schools would be stripped of tax dollars and charter for profit schools, with generous campaign donors would get reap the benefits. Women would no longer be in control of their reproductive functions. Unions would be forced to disband. The mail would be delivered by imported paperboys from China. Health insurance would once again be untethered by any regulations and be allowed to charge princely premiums and deny coverage to anyone they chose. The borders would be fenced not to keep immigrants out but to keep Americans in. By constantly repeating lies about the current president and his party, because they have the funds to do so, the rich have adopted the policy of another political party. That party came to power in the 1930s
Monday, August 20, 2012
Mr. Bold Invades The Bedroom
Once upon a time,a young Gomer Pyle look-a-like named Mr. Bold ascended to the halls of power. He wore the attire of the common folk, even while enjoying four hundred dollar bottles of wine with hedge fund managers. He belonged to a political party made up mostly of rich or wanna be rich angry white men. This party is extremely powerful, and is as wealthy as Solomon without the wisdom. They had their own television and radio stations spewing forth nasty propaganda, that siren like,sucked in poor and middle class angry white men by making them believe only rich white men should rule the country. This party hated the dreaded safety nets that kept the poor from starving and the elderly alive past the age of 65. Most of all this party feared independent women. Mr. Bold boldly seized the moment in time and regurgitated a Draconian budget. His budget would shred the safety nets, pillage the money,and re-distribute it to the ever greedy super rich. All the members of his party, in the halls of power voted for it. Mr. Bold also signed on to every bill his party endorsed that would propel backwards women's rights to the 1930's. Yes ladies a vote for this party will help end birth control, and abortion even if the pregnancy is the result of rape by a maniacal deviant. Their voting records are there for all to see. Vote carefully America, this is the big one.
Friday, August 17, 2012
It's ALL Over But the Shouting
We had a good run, but all things must come to an end. Two hundred and thirty six years is just a drop in the sea of time, but, oh well. Once the November elections are over America will go from being the United States of America to the Corporation of Southern Ideology. Women won't have to cover up completely, but they will have to dress like June Cleaver from the old Leave it to Beaver 50's TV show. Birth control will consist of a strategically placed aspirin. Abortion will once again make a woman a felon. Voting will take place only by those able to pass a litmus test of biblically created questions. Questions like "In the ten thousand years since the earth was created, which year did man domesticate the dinosaur?" Medicare, already slated to be given away to insurance company sugar daddies, and social security will no longer be lifelines. Instead the elderly will have lifetime employment as greeters in retail stores. Unions will be declared Communistic and banned. Law enforcement will be judged by who is the fastest draw. Only three jobs will exist. They will be, unloading products from China, selling products from China and joining the Armed Services. Taxes will only be levied on the middle class and the poor. Job creators will be totally tax exempt.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Gimmie, Gimmie, The Wail of the American Baby
This is the era of the spoiled American baby. The inhabitants of this once great land have decided to embrace their inner child. Too bad the child they choose to embrace is one going through the terrible two's. Most civilized nations realize you have to pay taxes to reap the rewards of health care, clean energy and safe food. Here in America the selfish brat-like American keens his new mantra of no taxes whatsoever. Having the attention span of bacteria, and the propensity to listen to right wing propaganda, Americans are on course to try and role back the country, and the world for that matter, into a new greedy dark ages. Medicare, Medicade, planned parenthood, voting rights, unions are about to be destroyed. Look out Canada and Europe, the Americans will be trying to immigrate in droves. After the 2012 elections, do you think America will default on its debt? Of course it will. Do you think foreign aid, along with any domestic program that helps people, will be eliminated? You better believe it. The only thing American babies won't get rid of is its war machine. Too much money to be made from misery. Watch out world our babies will be throwing some nasty tantrums.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Slow Motion Explosion
Ever watch the news where they show an explosion in slow motion? That's the way to view the coming financial collapse. The original detonation, in this country, started in the 1980's with trickle down economics. This con job needed an actor to sell it to the American people. The rich get richer with tax cuts and the extra money the guzzle down gets recycled through their urinary tracks to the rest of us. Then we had the double down magnification process during the Bush years. This caused the rich to do cartwheels, or hire someone to cartwheel for them. Then came the Hope Election of 2008. Big Deal! We all hoped for a president with a set big enough to roll over the monied interests and give America back to the people. What we got was a president who hires the same financial people who got us into this mess and a two year extension of the Bush give-away to the rich. Now lets be clear I will never vote for a Republican even if you water board me. But to watch a Democrat President blow the one chance to bring back America is very, very disquieting. This guys is no FDR. The explosion in slow motion, started in 1980, will in all likelihood, leave America looking like a giant financial bomb crater by 2013. If you aren't rich better move to China. They have our jobs and house their workers.
Monday, August 6, 2012
The Never-ending Ripples of Capitalism
Like a coin thrown into a still pond, the ripples of capitalism have flowed to all regions of this planet. Escaping its wave is impossible. The system in of itself is not evil, only compassionless. The problem is now this ideology is running like an uncooled nuclear reactor. Absolutely everything imaginable now has a price tag. Drinkable water, clean air, untainted food, health care, and even compassion, in today's world are all looked at as commodities to be sold for a profit. You would think the very wealthy would realize the unending thirst to have more, would eventually come back to bite them in their designer modified asses, but you would be wrong. The rich have become the equivalent of schooling piranha's devouring anything that dares to seek the water. Lose your job? Going to college for the skills necessary to find a new one? In today's America, all college does is saddle you with a mountain of debt. Colleges have it so rigged that they change the books needed for a course, every quarter, so you can' trade them and they can make even more profits. Tuition hikes are the norm. Yes, colleges are just another super profit debt mill operation. Now that you have a college degree and a job emptying bed pans at a for profit hospital, just remember your CEO is getting millions and a golden parachute when he leaves, instead of the golden shower he deserves.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
The Worst Drought Since 1956 so lets Waste Water Fracking
Did you know the gas retrieval process known as fracking requires 1 to 5 million gallons of water to frack one well? We are in the midst of the worst American drought in over 50 years and the taxpayer subsidized oil and gas industry wants to use hundreds of millions of gallons of fresh water to explode layers of shale and release the trapped gas. The water they use is poisoned forever. It cannot be cleaned of the fracking chemicals. The water is re-acquired and injected into injection wells deep underground. This poison water may one day poison well water in Ohio and other states. Local control of the fracking process in Ohio has been taken away and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources has absolute control. Ohio is on schedule to have parts of its counties turned into industrial wastelands. Short term gain landowners and the gas and oil industries are quickly changing the American Landscape forever and not for the better. Now let me get this straight, corporations with more money than god, can tear apart communities devalue their property possibly poison their life giving water supply or deplete it into non-existence and Americans can't do anything about it. Oh wait, Corporations are people, yes they are.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Everything for a Profit, Even War
When you ask the average person what do we fight wars for, he will, at some point, use the words freedom and democracy. I think these two words should be replaced with words that describe the real reasons for war. The words are business and profit. World War Two was the last war fought to protect world wide freedom. Since then the Korean war and the Vietnam war were fought to contain ideologies. Dwight D. Eisenhower, as he left office, warned against the insidiousness of the military Industrial complex. He knew that the nation could easily be mis-led into believing in the necessity of wars. War today has become an acceptable new industry reaping profits from misery. War really is the ultimate abomination. Smart weapons are simply an oxymoron. War only causes death, disease, famine, dismemberment, sorrow and hatred. Now that we have an all volunteer Army and we outsource the feeding and housing of troops, war has become so profitable that you can plan on one being ongoing at all times. Guess what country is next? Yes, as one presidential candidate has said, Iran won't be allowed to have nuclear capabilities when he is president.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Why Must We Compete for Everything?
This has bothered me for a long time. Why is the concept of winners and losers so ingrained in us that we must make absolutely everything a competition? Kids from the earliest age are structured to strive to be winners. Their little league baseball teams push the kids to win and shake off their injuries, for the good of the team. Schools would rather cut bus transportation, when faced with budget cuts, than cut extra-curricular sports. Even the arts have competitions to see who the best singer or dancer or artist is. Who won the box office movie title this week? Who cares? Everyone on this planet has something to offer. Who cares if the quality of his or her contribution isn't the number one best? What's wrong with being proud for doing the best you can and making a contribution to society? Can't ideas and accomplishments be admired for what they are, and not be ranked first, second, or third? Don't you get tired of people screaming we're number one or singing we are the champions? I know I do.
Monday, July 16, 2012
The Re-emergence of the Robber Baron
What's the saying, "if you ignore history you are doomed to repeat it?" Americans right now are not only ignoring history but constantly trying to re-write it. There is this longing desire among the right wing to take us back to our tarnished past. Back to the good old days of union busting, racism, and second class personhood for women. The government official who used to serve all the electorate now only serves the rich. Billionaires are now treated like little monarchs reigning over the serfs. They have the money to trumpet their agenda constantly with television and radio hosts that have convinced the intellectually lazy American that it is the patriotic thing to vote against their own self interests and embrace their prejudices. The days of we are all created equal are over. Now corporations are people, my friend. Yes they are. Big oil and gas can now destroy million year old water aquifers with impunity. State legislatures can pass laws throwing out local elections and appoint their own ideological minded managers. The EPA, an agency started by Richard Nixon, is now considered a job killing efete staffed, unnecessary beuracracy. Wait til this next election. When the zealots take total control again, the death spiral of democracy will be complete and we will be the United Corporations of America.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Obama Care or Republican Neglect
I don't feel quite as pessimistic about the Supreme Court as I used to. They have spoken and Obamacare is the law of the land. Even with this impressive ruling, states like mine, Ohio, are still fighting against it. Talk about total hypocrisy. Just last week parts of Ohio were devastated by severe thunderstorms. Now governor John Kasich of Ohio immediately got on the phone to request tax dollar help from President Obama. Let's see with one breath the governor rejects helping the poor and with the next breath asks for tax dollar help. At least Ron Paul says let everyone sink or swim totally on their own. If the goal is to totally get rid of taxes and let the market place rule, then don't stick your hand out for federal tax dollars ever. If I were the president I would just say as soon as you implement the affordable care act that disaster help will be on its way. The Republicans always want to cut some program they don't like, to pay for disaster relief, I say don't send any disaster funds until they comply. If you are a Republican who hates taxes, hates regulations, hates the EPA, and can't stand President Obama, don't stick your hand out. It's embarrassing.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Evolution From the Ancient 1960's
I wonder how many people today, running and ruining America, remember the 1960's? The early 1960's started out very idealistically. John Kennedy was elected president and there was a feeling of optimism about our lives. A goal of landing on the moon was voiced and by the end of the decade, accomplished. Overt racism was finally being brought to a heel. Then came the Bay of Pigs aborted invasion and the scariest moment of all, the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Domino Theory of southeast Asia started to take hold. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. The world changed forever. Lyndon Johnson took the war in Vietnam to a new level. His dream of the "Great Society" at least ushered in Medicare. The seemingly endless war in Vietnam was finally ended but only after draft age protesters rallied the rest of the nation to end it. The powers that be needed to come up with a way to take the protest out of the lucrative business of war. Hence the all volunteer Armed Services. No draft, no protest. Even better still, let private contractors make billions servicing the troops. Ship all the jobs to a cheap overseas labor force and soon the all volunteer Armed services will have a limitless pool of Americans to draw from. Isn't evolution grand?
Monday, July 2, 2012
Soul Killers
The Catholic Church has committed the unforgivable sin of institutional suicide. The covering up of child abuse and the moving of pedophile priests from parish to parish has done the work of the devil himself. I was born into Catholicism. In other words I, like many, am a cradle Catholic. I learned to serve as an altar boy when the Mass was conducted in Latin. I was never abused and all the memories I have of those days were pleasant ones. Back then being an altar boy gave you a certain status. It is beyond my comprehension to understand how bishops could simply move a killer of children's souls to another parish and hope for the best. Catholic bishops have lost all moral authority. They shouldn't voice their opinions on societies ills when they themselves have covered up the unpardonable.
At one time in the history of the church, priests were allowed to marry. Now they must remain celibate. To deny the primary biological imperative especially in today's world is just a recipe for disaster. The church is now in the death throws from self inflicted wounds. Even if the Catholic Church turns in every priest accused of child abuse and allows women to become priests and priests to marry, I don't think it will recover.
At one time in the history of the church, priests were allowed to marry. Now they must remain celibate. To deny the primary biological imperative especially in today's world is just a recipe for disaster. The church is now in the death throws from self inflicted wounds. Even if the Catholic Church turns in every priest accused of child abuse and allows women to become priests and priests to marry, I don't think it will recover.
Friday, June 29, 2012
The Chaos Stream
What is the most dramatic cause of the lack of civility in America today that wasn't present 40 or 50 years ago? Why has the modern American become a self-centered, instant gratification, me first, greedy cretin? Well obviously not all Americans fall under this title, just a majority. The reason to me, for this change from 50 years ago is the amount of constant useless informational chatter bombarding us daily. How many people leave the TV on so they can get to sleep? How many people listen to the radio or TV while they get ready for work. Cell phones, email, Facebook, Twitter, video games. Endless de-humanizing devices running endlessly, stripping away our humanity. Why have a conversation when you can text? Why form your own opinion when some overpaid bigot on the radio can give you his? If the jerk on television cries crocodile tears because he thinks health care reform leads to communism, should you believe him? Why think for yourself? Just jump into the chaos stream and let all the prejudicial pablum wash over you. When George Orwell wrote the book 1984, I think he was off the mark in the year of the title and who the real villain was. Big Brother isn't the government. Big Brother is the secret cabal of billionaires that really use the chaos stream to control the unthinking sheep.
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