Monday, September 3, 2012

What's Next America, Witch Trials for Scientists?

 The dumbing down of Americans is proceeding at such an incredible pace, that soon they will probably run inside during an eclipse and hide in their basements or under their trailers.The idea that the bible be taken literally and that science is voodoo is taking hold, not just down South and out West but all over the country. You even have a political party that would rather govern by biblical standards instead of the constitution. Do we have to re-try the  Scopes monkey trial again? I hate to point this out but the earth is not just 10,000 years old and man did not ride on the backs of dinosaurs. That was from a cartoon called the Flintstones. The earth is not the the center of the universe and the sun doesn't revolve around it.Oh by the way global warming due to mans polluting of the planet is real. You'll find this out as many of the Southern states disappear underwater. Try having a preacher pray away any new super hurricanes  like some of them claimed to do in the past. See if abject denial of science and facts will slow the tides.

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