Monday, September 24, 2012

The Perfect Republican Slogan, I Don't Care!

  Finally, a slogan from the Republican presidential candidate worthy of his entire party." I don't care about them." Why don't they care? Because Democrats are the OTHER. How about taking the slogan one step farther so you can put it on a bumper sticker. The luxury car adornment would read " I DON'T CARE AND I DON'T SHARE." Here's another " MONEY MATTERS PEOPLE DON'T!"How about " WE FEED BIG OIL NOT THE HUNGRY." Or "NEED A JOB ? MOVE TO CHINA." Here's some for Mitt, " IF ELECTED I WILL BE THE BAIN  OF YOUR EXISTENCE . "Or " NO PROFIT OUTSOURCE ." Let us not leave out Willards running mate, " I LOVE HEALTH INSURANCE ..... COMPANIES." " A WOMEN'S RIGHT IS TO BARE CHILDREN." You get the idea.

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