Thursday, September 13, 2012

What Republican Ideas Appeal to Women?

I can see where even the poorest of men can be misled into voting Republican, but I am baffled as to how women feel it is in their best interest to do so. Most of the women I have met seem to have an excellent propaganda filter. The Republican party seems to send the message that it is time to reel in women's hard won rights. The Republican presidential candidate has actually said he would get rid of Planned Parenthood. Republican state legislatures have tried to pass and in some instances passed invasive ultra sound laws before any pregnancy termination. Their political platform states abortion must never be allowed even in cases of rape or incest. To be forced to carry to term the off-spring of a monster that brutalized you is unbelievable. The rational for this lifetime descent into hell is it's not the babies fault. So basically they wish women to just grin and bare it. Right wing radio and television hucksters may appeal to men but surely comments about using aspirin as birth control have to disgust all women. Once a women goes to vote her vote is just as powerful and private as any mans. Maybe a lot of women are going to show how they really feel Nov. 6th..

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