Monday, November 4, 2013
The Fat Cat Has Sung
All things, including this blog, must come to an end. It was fun pontificating my liberal views. It was enjoyable seeing people from all over the world access it. But as much fun as it was there were drawbacks. The alarming thing about venting your political frustrations is as you take in the whole picture you realize how much ignorance hatred and prejudice govern our country. We are truly a nation at the end of it's greatness. Greed is now the number one factor driving the country down. Stupidity, a close second, has taken over a huge part of the electorate, like a zombie virus. They mindlessly believe hate filled propaganda passing for news on right wing television and radio. We've shipped all our good manufacturing jobs to lowest bidder Communist nations, so fat cats can get fatter. Dumb has become the new smart and America is soon to become a third world nation.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Not My Planet Anymore
The older I get the more I realize, the planet I live on, is no longer recognizable to me any longer. When you are young and your brain is new, every second is a miracle. As you age life scratches and scores your brain and fills the ruts with unnecessary garbage. Childhood is a time of life to be cherished. This is no longer so. Just look at the wrecking ball accident the media has created to by-pass childhood and turn kids into insane little adults. When I grew up a woman's navel wasn't allowed to be shown on T.V.. The 1960's were the golden age of comics. Now the only movies made today are comics. Back in the day directors used adults who could act.All you see in today's infantile jokes that pass for movies ,are pretty faces with empty heads spouting the F word for dialog. Special effects, in the old days, were done by masters such as Willis O'brien and Ray Harryhausen. Now special effects,which are the whole movie, are done by kids on computers. Kids burn up their childhoods now playing video games texting, and sending obscene photo's of themselves or they are herded into organized sports by jaded parents who swallow hook line and sinker everything some bubble head in the media feeds them and people shake their heads when some teen commits suicide after being bullied to death on the internet.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
In Order To Form A More Perfect Union
To me, unions, are the last glimmer of hope for the American worker. I was fortunate enough to belong to the letter carriers union for over 30 years, and now retired am still a member. What did I get from this collaboration?I worked for a decent livable wage in a work place where management couldn't rule with iron fist tactics. I had paid vacation times as well as paid holidays. I had accumulating sick days, and when I was off work for three months because I broke my back, I received a paycheck. I have health insurance a percentage of which is paid for. I got to retire in my late 50's. I now receive a livable pension. All of this was a direct benefit of the negotiating hard fought battles by my union. This is how the American workplace should operate. Non union workers are at the mercy of the whims of their so called beneficent job creator. The unions in this country are under constant attack by politicians trying to take the country back to the days of the robber barons and no child labor laws. Think this is an exaggeration, just look at N.A.F.T.A. or bubble headed Republicans calling for an end to the minimum wage.Look at how Republicans passed a law in 2006 that is now bankrupting the postal system. These type trade agreements and pieces of legislation are meant to destroy unions and allow C.E.O.'s to decorate their multiple mansions with golden toilets.We are now negotiating with low wage countries,including Vietnam, a country that took 58000 American lives, to ship more jobs out of our country so the rich can get richer and the poor can have access to more inferior unsafe products like the dog food shutting down the kidneys of America's dog population.Americans need to stop listening to the shills for the rich on radio and television. These blow hard's sow only hate and reap huge profits promoting policies that send American jobs to the Communist Chinese. Want America to work again? Vote all government hating, people disdaining Republicans out of office.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
The Simply Poor Versus The Deluded Poor
The poor will always be with us, but now they have been divided into two camps. One faction consists of the struggling everyman and the other camp is populated by poor people easily misled by pernicious right wing propaganda that appeals to their prejudiced world view. These deluded poor vote against their own self interests by voting in Republican politicians who actually redistribute America's wealth from those in most need to those needing golden shower curtains or 400 dollar bottles of wine to impress their contemporaries.Yes Republican lawmakers will vote to cut 40 billion dollars in food stamps and then vote to keep the 40 billion dollar taxpayer financed subsidy to the richest corporations in the world , the oil and gas industry.The deluded poor find this righteous because some puffy haired preacher spouting made up gospels of prosperity says God wants the rich to keep on being gluttonous at the expense of everyone else. The simply poor, who are not fooled by mega church pastors driving luxury bling mobiles, are hoping the deluded poor will realize that Jesus implied that whatever was done to or for the least of his flock was done to Him. I think most people believe what Jesus taught about it being harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle is the true reality.After all what benefit is it to gain the whole world and loose your immortal soul?
Friday, October 25, 2013
The Un-affordable We Don't Care Act
Do you remember the health care systems under president Bush, and his Republican majority in both houses of Congress? No? For people who couldn't afford health insurance it was hoping Doctors Without Borders would come to your state once a year. Now after 40 something attempts to keep poor people from health care and screaming the A.C.A. was the worst thing since slavery, the savior of the rich Paul Ryan, is going to pull a rabbit out the hat in the form of the Republican alternative. Wanna bet it's the same old rehash of vouchers and medical savings account again? The same old screw the poor and reward the rich bullshit. The only law Republican politicians are enamored with is their version of the law of the jungle. You know only the rich survive. Hey Republicans why not take advantage of the mental health provisions in the A.C.A. and be tested to see if your lust for money can be treated with a compassion pill.While your at it have your unquenchable hatred of America's first African American president checked out. Who knows, maybe under your We Don't Care Act they'll bring back pre-frontal lobotomies.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
What A Big Ham I AM
The world is 10,000 years old. This is my belief.Everyone I hang around with agree, much to my relief.Man has dominion over the Earth and it's beast's.Global warming's a myth. So fire up the grill and let us all feast. If you can't afford health insurance that;s really too bad. Don't expect me to start crying and be very sad. Birth control is a sin you must surely agree. Crank out those babies and set your soul free.The Civil War never ended, it goes on and on.Vote against your self interest, your just a dumb pawn. The old testament and phony prosperity gospels are what I believe in.If you don't believe the way I do you are part devil's kin. The president is from Kenya this we all surely know. Impeach him for no reason, he just has to go. To my ignorant followers there are no such thing as facts. We just live in a right wing bubble, it's intelligence they lack.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
The War of Southern Agression
Confederate politicians from the South and West are constantly referring to the Civil War as the war of Northern aggression. The refusal to move on from a loss suffered 150 years ago is causing America it's standing the world view and is just plain crazy.Playing on this ancestral bitterness and the inability to look beyond the right wing moronic propaganda that feeds and nurtures their stunted belief systems they elect politicians of the lowest common denominator.They deny any scientific facts such as evolution global warming or the true age of the Earth. Some actually believe the president of the United States is a Muslim who was born in Africa. They shut down the American government better than any terrorist organization ever could. They have no qualms accepting federal aid for disasters in Southern or Western states, but wanted to deny aid to New York after it was devastated by hurricane Sandy. Now they are about to lead a Stalinist purge of Republican members who dared vote to keep America from collapse. They hate the idea of health insurance for the poor, because obviously they hate poor people. Hey you Confederate wanna bees, you are free to vote against your own self interests but these mean spirited right wing government destroyers you keep sending to congress are ruining this once proud country.Go ahead and keep whistling Dixie but don't expect Northerners to dance to banjo players from the movie Deliverance.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Future America Tea Party Style
The first to become extinct were the retired. After Social Security and Medicare were repealed the old and infirm could only afford to eat Chinese made dog food, which shut down their kidneys. Next to become victims of the war of Southern aggression, were the working poor and their malnourished children. Food stamps and the W.I.C. program were dissolved and the money given to Confederate flag companies who promptly moved their factories to Communist China. The hungry did try to rise up and revolt but were quickly mowed down by by private security forces wielding fully automatic weapons. The once hard working 47% were winnowed down to 7%. The Constitution,except for the second amendment,was dissolved. Each state was now a little turd world country ruled by very very well armed tribes. Yes, thanks to the now disbanded Supreme Court which allowed billions of dollars to corrupt the political process, the war of Southern aggression was won by the Tea Party. All 50 of the new banana republic's banned birth control, any mention of evolution,women in the work place,and any religion other than Christianity. For sport, the gods of capitalism hunted down the remaining 7%. The turd world 50 only had one problem. The armies and navies of China, Russia, Iran,North Korea,and even Canada were headed for their shores.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
The Obstructor, Super Villain
A new super villain has emerged to threaten America. He was, at first glance, an unlikely villain at best. His orange skin, constant smoking and crying, would lead most people to believe he was just an odd duck and not a diabolical evil genius.The Obstuctor, as he is now known, filched a little known black magic spell from the ancient book of Hastert and ground the most powerful nation on earth to a halt.No one on earth, but the Obstructor, was capable of removing the blockage now gripping America. All he had to do was allow a full vote on a clean C.R. bill in the Fortress of Stupidity. He won't do it for fear of being devoured by his knuckle dragging mouth breathing minions. These evil creatures delight in depriving the aged the poor and even defenseless children of what they need to survive. As the Obstructor's blockage in the bowels of America continued the popularity of his co-conspirators and even himself went into a free fall dive to the bottom of the out house pit. They didn't care. This blockage isn't about policy it is about continuing the power of stupidity to cripple the government of the United States.
Friday, October 11, 2013
We Get It. You Don't Want To Share.
I guess Republicans never read the book" Everything I Needed To Know I Learned In Kindergarten". The author a minister whose name eludes me, wrote a brilliant book on the skills needed for life in a sane society. The main goals in the book, for me, were we need to get along and to learn to share with each other. These are skills learned in kindergarten.Did a lot of today's Republicans not attend kindergarten? Were they all home schooled by private tutors? Too bad the lessons on getting along and sharing were skipped. Seems like the emphasis was placed more on the personal pronouns I, me, and mine. Was their golden rule he who has the gold makes the rules?The solution for today's hurray for me and the hell with you form of Republican governance is simple. If you feel any program paid for by taxes is evil, then you must wear a red letter R at all times before opting out of society. There will be a meter installed in your house and one in your many vehicles so you can be charged every time you use public streets or call the police or firemen. The rest of us will shun you like the lepers of old. You don't want to associate with commoners anyway and really we have nothing in common with you. Take your money and opt out, we won't miss you trying to ruin our lives with your political insaity.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Why Are Republican Politicians Such Chickens ?
Republican Congressmen talk the tough talk but walk the chicken walk when threatened with a primary challenge. If some Tea Party right wing zealot follows you around whispering in your ear that unless you tank the economy you will face a primary tell him to go right ahead and to kiss your ass on the way. Be a patriot not a chicken. You represent all Americans not just a bunch of hunkered down, anti-health insurance, birthers.This country is far more important than your job security. Shutdown is as stupid as believing the president was born in Kenya. Listen Chicken Littles you are paid taxpayer money to do a job that does not include dismantling the very government you were elected to serve. I know your bowels get all loose and squishy at the thought of millions of dollars of campaign ads directed at replacing you with Attila the Hun but America is tired of all the little pompous Attila's trying to bring it down,so how about growing a set and stepping up?
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Emperor Cruz Rules By Fiat
Am I wrong, didn't President Obama win a second term?Right after the election didn't the speaker of the house say Obama Care was the law of the land? His word means nothing? Wasn't the Affordable Care Act ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court ?Wasn't the A.C.A. signed into law by the President. Now a junior senator from Texas is controlling Congress and acting as emperor of the whole country and elections don't matter to him and his minions. Wasn't living through two terms of the W.M.D. man from Texas enough pain and misery for the country? Do we. as a nation have to endure another puffed up narcissist. After a 21 hour ego stroking marathon the self appointed emperor challenged his avid co-conspirators in the house to shut down the government over a law they can't change.Now the emperor is instructing House Republicans to pass piecemeal funding. I didn't vote for an emperor from Texas, I voted for President, how about you?
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Thanks For The Shutdown Tea Party Clowns
Friday, September 27, 2013
The Migrating Wacko Bird
A little over 40 years ago, in the frigid Northern plains of Canada, a small insignificant Wacko bird hatched. As the little birdie grew he found he disliked the cold temperatures and universal healthcare of his birthplace. He found the only way to stay warm was to generate hot air. This not only warmed his minuscule heart, but for some unknown reason other birdbrains started paying attention. Wacko bird felt his chest and his ego growing and growing.Now the frozen North has always been short on birdbrains so the ego maniacal little Wacko bird decided to migrate to Texas. Now Texas has the room and the heat to stroke the little birds ego until he could no longer control it. Soon the tiny deluded bird found himself leader of all the squawking birds of prey.He erroneously ended up thinking himself the most brilliant bird since the Dodo. After squawking about himself for 21 hours one day most of the other birdbrain raptors flew the coop leaving Wacko bird all alone except for his ego.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Is Right Wing Media Guilty Of Sedition ?
Sedition, by definition, is the stirring up of rebellion, by encouraging citizens to rebel against their government. Sedition is against the law but because of the right to free speech the law is seldom enforced. Isn't claiming the president is born in Kenya stirring the pot of rebellion? Isn't claiming the former Sec. of State caused the deaths of diplomats in Benghazi causing unrest. Isn't screaming that any attempt to regulate semi-automatic weapons an attempt to come get your guns a secret call to revolution? Some gun nuts have even said they need their weapons to fight against the government.I have even heard that some right wingers are suggesting that the president of the United States was complicit in the poison gas attack on Syrian civilians. Now these propagandizing anti patriots want the shut down of the government or our defaulting on our debts just to deny health care to 30 million Americans too poor to be able to now purchase it. Isn't this sedition? I'm just asking.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Inside The Republican Dome
Remember the old movies West World and Future World? The plot of these movies was, basically rich people going to expensive vacation spots to live out infantile fantasies by destroying the mindless robots . The robots eventually malfunction and the bubble bursts causing insane amounts of chaos. Now we are faced with a version of Republican World. In this bubble encased world everyone carries a gun at all times,especially in schools, bars, city parks, and churches. Health care is based on health insurance C.E.O.'s whims and needs for more bonuses. In this world laws and regulations don't exist. Taxes don't exist. Immigrants aren't allowed. Voting isn't necessary because everyone in the dome is a monarch unto themselves. In the dome the problems start with maintenance because the inhabitants are incapable of doing anything for themselves. When something breaks it is hard to get some one to fix or remove it when you don't want to pay for it.Soon all the stale hot air inside the dome will cause it to implode solving the problem for all of us.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
A One Per-center's Last Judgement
One glorious sunny day, one of of the 1%, despite paying billions to stay alive, died. There was the customary phony wailing and gnashing of teeth as greedy relatives and fake friends gathered in hopes of filching some monetary treasure . Mr. One Percent, minus his bloated corporeal body, got to hear how the self serving parasites in his life really felt about him. They whispered among themselves of how the old bastard spent their inheritance on eye candy E.D. drugs and hostile takeovers. Suddenly, as the mounting sarcasm reached a crescendo Mr. One percent felt his mist form catapult skyward. Faster and faster he sped through the heavens. He came to a stop in front of a large golden gate with an ancient bearded man standing at an immense podium. A stern St. Peter flipped a few pages of a huge book running his finger down a list comparing whatever you do for the least of these and whatever you do for yourself and frowned. He then pointed to a fiery hole that just opened up and nodded at Mr. One Percent.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Is This America Or Some Alternate Universe?
I don't recognize this country anymore. People are violently disrespectful of the government and the president.There are politicians that are advocating getting rid of Social Security Medicare and food stamps.Children are being murdered in their strollers and the solution these vary same politicians have,to the insanity, is more guns even to the point of arming teachers. Stupid misinformed voters listen to television and radio personalities preaching seditious lies and, sheep like, vote for politicians who only worship the rich and their money. Oil and gas companies, the most obscenely wealthy companies on earth, are actually subsidized by the American taxpayer. Our once proud manufacturing base has been handed on bended knee to the Communist Chinese, all in the name of greed.The only industry left is the fast food industry. Soon the Communist Chinese will probably be selling American Fat Cats Solent Green patties because they are cheaper than beef. The America I used to know and love has been sold to the devil by the captains of greed.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Happiness Is A Warm Gun.... And A White Cane?
I don't know about you but allowing the blind to carry loaded guns doesn't make me feel any safer.Yes in the state of Iowa there is no safety prohibition against the blind being allowed to carry a loaded weapon. Here in Ohio the insecure are allowed to parade their loaded weapons of personal destruction in city parks. Yes, let's take the kiddies to the park where some old curmudgeon ,who hates kids, can strut around with a 45. loaded with hollow points on his hip. This is madness. Police face constant training and practice in the use of force. Now your neighbor who despises you, on the other hand , gets a quick course in how to shoot. I was at a garage sale this summer when an old guy, who seemed well into his 70's, walked around the tables with a semi automatic on his hip.Talk about fearing a possible senior moment. Are Americans so violent and afraid that everyone needs to grab their cell phone car keys and gun as they leave to go to the grocery store? How long will it be before some little league or soccer game turns into the shootout at the O.K. corral? Thank you insecure gun nuts for turning America into Lebanon.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
A Way To Get What You Want... Do The Opposite
Remember, when you were a child, using reverse psychology on those kids who would never go along with your ideas?Faced with Republicans in Congress who, no matter what the president proposes, will do the opposite, the president treats them like the recalcitrant obstructionists they are. He pretends to want military intervention when he really wants just the opposite. He pretends to be a hawk that flies with John and Lindsey while really being a dove. He ends up with getting what he wants and the Republicans are now on record rejecting intervention. This also gives Democrats the chance to stay doves. The only thing he has to do is to come out after the vote and say the American people have spoken and he will follow their wishes. This takes a lose lose situation and turns it into a win win. Yes I believe the selfish brats will be played and never realize it.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Bitten By The Warwolf
What can possibly explain President Obama's transformation from dove to warwolf. Was he bitten by John McCain or Lindsey Graham? Did he go out to walk the new dog one full moon night and get scratched by Dick Cheny? Can anything be done to change him back?. Remember one of the reasons he was elected for in 2008? He was against stupid military actions. Americans are sick to their very cores of interventions in the Middle East. American lives and vast amounts of it's treasure have been wasted in the sand storm deserts, on people who will always despise us. The only explanation for the president's metamorphosis has to be some form of Warcanththropy. Has he been driven over the edge by Republican obstructionists? It is now over for anything meaningful or constructive to be accomplished by the president in his second term.He has created, for himself, the ultimate lose lose scenario.The answer to murder isn't more killing.
Monday, September 2, 2013
How About An E.M.P.?
Now that the president has decided to punish the Syrian regime for it's horrendous use of nerve gas, why not go with an E.M.P.? You know the electronic magnetic pulse created by an air burst nuclear weapon. What use the one weapon W. couldn't even pronounce, you ask with horror?A small tactical nuke, exploded say 20 miles above Syria, would completely shut down Syria's war machine.It would also fry all the computers cell phones and electric grids in the country. Cars wouldn't run just like the object lesson in The Day The Earth Stood Still, the 1950's version. I mean if we are going to act like sanctimonious all powerful space invaders and stick our noses, once again, in a foreign countries internal problems,let's do it smartly. An air burst nuke won't kill directly and probably won't put any more radiation into the environment than a crippled Japanese reactor. We can even tell our allies what we are going to do.This certainly will send the message to the entire world America means business.
Friday, August 30, 2013
It's My America So Get Out
There will always be bullies.Bullies only view the world through a myopic selfish lens. What is one of the thing bullies have in common? They are loud. In America today the media is in love with bullies because bullies provide drama and conflict. This insatiable need for idiotic controversy has morphed the United States into the fragmented states.In 2009 the media panted after the bullies as they loudly went to work screaming about death panels and socialized medicine.Every time some ancient blue haired curmudgeon dressed like Ben Franklin yelling keep your government hands off my Social Security, the media covered the idiocy giving it legitimacy. This coverage stoked the fires of intolerance and in 2010 ushered in the cadre of government destroyers.Now we have Tea Party politicians going on tour trying to convince the stupid to, once again deny health coverage for preexisting conditions and charge what ever they want. Brain dead soulless zombie bullies jump up at town hall meetings and bellow how the the president is from Kenya and Obama care is the work of the devil. They want to bring back the 1950's and rollback voting rights so only their version of America exists. The media needs to shine a light on crazy not embrace it for better ratings.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Why Do We Have To Intervene ?
Remember when your mother would tell you to mind your own business? That was good advice then and it's great advice now. Every time some country does something hideous to it's own people America ends up sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. Here we go again. Now it is beyond horrible that Syria used poison gas or nerve agents on it's own people. but why must we act like the worlds mother and spank them? The Middle East region is headed for total chaos.This chaos has cost America over a decade of soldiers lives and our monetary resources just to feed the war machine.If John McCain and Lindsey Graham want us to butt our way into another useless conflict in crazy land, let them volunteer and form a geezer brigade and parachute in guns blazing. War might be big business for contractors ,but good grief , don't they realize it is the utter abomination? Cruise missiles and smart bombs kill women and children too. Worried about Americas credibility in the world? Don't be. The cowboy president destroyed that years ago. Pictures of dead children are horrible but causing the deaths of more children and then helping factions of fanatics who hate America take over is worse.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
America Home Of The Violent
You're jogging along on a beautiful sunny day when bored soulless punks drive by and shoot you in the back. You're an innocent child attending school when a deranged felon with an AK-47 and 500 rounds of ammunition decides to use your school as a place to kill cops.You're a teenager wearing a hoodie and eating Skittles when you are challenged by a self appointed neighborhood guardian and you end up dead. This is America in the year 2013. There cannot be a political solution to this monstrous violence because a huge segment of the American populace has decided the government is evil and they are only safe if they carry a gun. Driven by right wing propaganda almost every state has passed concealed carry laws. Take any family reunion and survey the participants. Ask them if there are any family members who shouldn't be allowed to carry a concealed weapon.More than likely, unless the reunion is held in Texas, most families would consider one or more of their relatives too unstable to carry a loaded weapon. Now consider the fact that the family looney tune is the one most likely to be packing. If you are a foreign tourist or student thinking of attending university here I would really think twice before coming to a country where half the population thinks happiness is a warm gun.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Great American Unraveling
America is going to pieces faster than an iceberg in 2013. It's like some massive cloud of divisiveness from outer space has settled in, and like the shadow, has the power to cloud men's minds. The newest example of insane stupidity is the plan to shut down the government or default on America's debt because Republicans want to deny health care to millions of Americans. Some politicians in this party want to destroy, like Viking berserkers, Social Security, Medicare, the E.P.A., food stamps, Head Start, women's health screening, public education, voting rights for anyone not voting Republican, the I.R.S.,and any institution or program that helps Americans but needs tax revenue to survive. Can you picture what America would look like if some Tea Party destroyer from Texas or Kentucky were to have the ultimate power of governance over all Americans? I can't. Look what is happening in North Carolina since the Tea Party take over of 2010. The ram it down your throat approach is the only way right wing politicians operate. Look at the protests on Moral Mondays.What do you think the next step outraged people will take once right wing berserkers complete the destruction of America's soul? Protests will turn to riots will turn into Civil War and with all the guns in this country we will end up looking like Egypt or Syria.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Abolish The Government, Really?
It is hard to grasp just how idiotic and borderline seditious some right wing believers have become. They really want to be rid of the United States government. They have elected Congressmen that have stated their intention to abolish the I.R.S..They believe health care should only be provided to those who can afford it. I guess they must feel this would be a good way to cull the herd of the less desirable 47%. Some of these true believers are obsessed with their belief the president of the United States is foreign born.How insane is that? A lot of these so called patriots want to put grandma and grandpa either back to work or out on the street because they consider Social Security a Ponzi scheme. They don't want America to pay the debt incurred by two un funded wars and a prescription drug plan from W's reign of fiscal idiocy. When is someone going to say enough of this stupidity is enough? Instead of ruining the country for all of us why don't you (Don't Tread On Me) types all move to Texas and secede from the Union. Trust me we won't miss you one infinitesimal bit.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The Last Pathetic Gasp To Keep Power
History always repeats, and here in America we are set to prove this fact once again. Remember, several years ago in South Africa, the extreme measures taken by the white ruling class to remain in power? Do you recall those long rigid whips wielded by white police to beat back black protesters? Remember apartheid ? I'm sure you remember the 1960's Civil Rights clashes. The beatings, the killings, the cowardly church bombings, the high pressure hoses, the attack dogs, all used to deny the right to vote to a minority. It's 2013 and here we go again. As soon as the conservative controlled Supreme Court negated part of the 1965 Voting Rights Act Republican controlled state legislatures passed restrictive voter I.D. laws under the guise of stopping non existent voter fraud. All these laws are for is to repress the minority vote and to keep right wing white males in power.This is the last dying gasp of the soon to be new minority. If beatings and attack dogs didn't work in the past why would stale attempts at misdirection in voter I.D. laws work now?
Saturday, August 10, 2013
America's Dangerously Greedy Gollums
I see where Republican lawmakers, taking a well deserved vacation, after 40 votes to repeal Obama Care, and are now facing their extremely rabid voting constituents.Some of these people are way beyond scary. They want to shut down the government to make sure people without health insurance remain waiting for Doctors Without Borders to come to town.I get the point that you worship the almighty dollar above alleviating the sufferings of the less well to do,but come on. Take a real close look at the bible you use to thump your points across.What benefit is it to gain the whole world but lose your immortal soul?It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Render unto Cesar what is Cesar's. These aren't exact quotes but neither are the spouting's of puffy haired preachers bellowing made up gospels of prosperity.People who worship money over kindness are like Gollum in the Lord of the Rings books.The insatiable lust for money has become their precious. Hope you like it hot because Gehenna doesn't have air conditioning.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
The Most Disappointing Race, The Human One
You must admit the experiment called the human race has been an utter failure. The potential to turn the Earth into another Garden of Eden was really the promise mankind never lived up to. Since climbing down from trees to putting robot investigators on Mars, we have persisted in denigrating to torturing and butchering one another on a daily basis. In 2013 no child should go to bed hungry, and no person willing to work should have to go jobless. The world's values are completely skewed,especially in the example setter America. In this country we pay genetic freaks multi millions of dollars just to play some meaningless sport. We also give talent less teenagers just as much to grab their crotches and squawk out repetitious mind numbing obscene lyrics. Is some self centered mutant who can throw a football or dunk a basketball really worthy of an audience with the president?We are a nation of pop culture values.Today's popular Icons are empty vessels, that once filled with money and fame, are so jaded that for the most part the blow it on bling and drugs. I believe the self centered super rich will one day become like the so called apathetics in the movie Zardoz.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Phone In Your Obstructionism It'll Be Cheaper
Congress is now on it's summer break. I know, I know, unless they are casting insane redundant votes to repeal Obama Care how would anyone figure out they were in session.How about John Boehner and his Republican naysayers just stay home and phone it in?Everyone knows their vote,when they are allowed to vote, will always be NO! Save the taxpayers tons of money on undeserved salaries and perks for congressmen and women who only march in lockstep to Tea Party drummers by letting them stay home and phone it in. Americans would gladly pay just their phone bills and nothing else. Just think of the savings. No congressional staffs or free gymnasium to suck up tax dollars. No more listening to Paul Ryan pontificate on austerity for the poor while drinking 400 dollar bottles of wine provided by hedge fund managers. No more Daryl Issa looking under rocks for nonexistent scandals to blame on the current administration.No more Ted Cruz sneering and smirking at anything not steeped in Tea Party pollution. No more Rand Paul shouting at Northern governors that they just want a government hand out while Kentucky gets back a dollar fifty one for every tax dollar sent in. Just stay home and revel in the music the anger your rabid base makes. Stay home and phone it in. Give the American voter that doesn't wear a revolutionary outfit whose average age isn't 65 and is stingier than Scrooge a break.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Made Up Crisis Time Again
Let's see, Teddy wants to abolish the I.R.S.. Johnny wants to hold the nation hostage by threatening not to pay our obligations worldwide, and many house Republicans want to de-fund the government. The Tea Party Circus has the clown show going in all three rings. So the plan is to abolish the government of the United States, right? What do Republicans want in place once they all give up their jobs and go home? Is it fifty little dictatorships all run by Republican legislators? This leads to a whole host of problematic future possibilities.What if Richard of Texas pronounces he is king and decides to wage a holy crusade against California because he despises their lifestyles? What if emperor Scott of Wisconsin abolishes all public schools and makes his serfs children either attend charter schools or home school them? What if the prince or princess of Alaska makes anyone reaching the age of 65 float away on an iceberg, to save money? Will all the new tiny countries have their own armies? Will the only law be the law of the jungle? No taxes means absolutely no services of any kind,right? We will all be on our own and the only real benefit will be we won't have to listen to politicians anymore..
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Can You Master The Republican Sneer Smirk ?
The speaker of the house does it every time he talks to the press. Ted Cruz wears it on his face like a mask. Paul Ryan does it every time he tries to destroy more programs for poor people It's the Republican sneer smirk and it is absolutely infuriating to Democrats. It 's the your an asshole if you think we will ever compromise on anything look.There is nothing that broadcast's your intentions better than a look of total derision The key to the sneer smirk is the twinkle in the eye in conjunction with the sneering of the lips. It shows you have complete contempt for anyone who does not share your Scrooge like plans for the country. Yes in order to master the look you must absolutely believe in the inferiority of ideas other than your own.The word compromise cannot be uttered while sneer smirking.Democrats do not have this weapon in their arsenal. Democrats who have been elected ,feel they should actually do something for their salaries. Today's sneer smirker is a bring the government down politician. Republicans equate their job security with intransigence. The Republican voter,who is not rich, has been convinced by the far right propaganda machine that endlessly spews out spurious twists on daily politics to hate health care reform, even though under Republicans health care for the poor consisted of Doctors Without Borders coming to town once a year. These less than intellectual giants have been convinced by the media shills of corporate America that unions are evil, pensions are something to be raided,.the solution to gun violence is more guns,and women should relinquish control of their reproductive rights and the Communist Chinese worker is more deserving of American money then the American worker.
Friday, July 26, 2013
G.O.P. Politicians....B Movie Villains
Once a republican politician leaves elected office, he can always find employment as a B movie villain.Take Scrooge in the 1930's version of a Christmas Carol.He fires his hardworking dedicated employee Bob Cratchet on Christmas Eve. One of Bob's children, Tiny Tim, will be dead in another year if he doesn't receive proper health care. Scrooge after three visits from helpful spirits, has an Epiphany and becomes a generous human being. Only evil spirits must visit today's Republican law abolish-er.You know the evil spirits with calves the size of cantaloupes.Republicans don't care at all about the Cratchet's or the Tiny Tim's of today's America. Money and it's accumulation are their god and goal. Just look at the vote to enrich the already rich agri business and eliminate the food stamp program.Watch some old Three Stooges or Little Rascal short subjects.The villains always hold the deed to the ranch or try to con some old lady out of her stocks. How about some pasty faced smirking vampire movie where the vampire sucks the life-force from the peasant population. Just look what the leaders at Enron told their employees about how solid the company stock was,while at the same time selling off theirs. Wasn't the head of Enron a personal friend of W Bush?The real reason America has B actors in position to destroy it is that easily fooled ignorant and prejudiced voters keep bringing Republican politicians back to life like Jason or Freddy Kruger. Wake up! When's the last time a Republican did something for you rather than to you?
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
That Giant Sucking Sound, From The Rich
Remember Ross Perot and his line that the giant sucking sound was jobs being sucked out of the country?That giant sucking sound, in reality, is all the nations money being siphoned upwards. At one time in this country's timeline there was a middle class and the playing field, thanks to unions, was relatively even. Working people could count on pensions Social Security and some employer provided health care to allow them to retire with dignity. No more. American workers now have to work till they drop.This is because the greedy bloated fat cats running companies spend all their time accumulating personal wealth at the expense of the American worker. Pensions and company paid health care are as extinct as the dinosaur. Overtime is being morphed into personal time off and unions, because of the anti union propagandists on right wing radio and television, are looked upon as evil when the opposite is true.The one thing these Chinese Communist job providers don't realize is eventually feeding like bloated leeches can cause them to rupture.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Fear, The Ultimate Killer
Fear causes just as much death and misery as fanatical religious beliefs do.Religious inquisitions, crusade's, jihad's have killed countless thousands.If you don't believe as we do you must be shunned, purged, or destroyed. Like religion, fear makes it easy to demonize someone not like you. The alien other is to to be looked upon with suspicion and distrust.Early mankind formed tribes because it was beneficial to your health to fear others during that violent time. It's 2013 now and unreasonable naked fear should not be a factor in passing laws. When cavemen like legislators pass chest thumping laws that make violent confrontation legal the country becomes less safe. So thanks to concealed carry laws and stand your ground laws, feeling threatened, if someone advances on you can give them a one way ticket to the morgue. What's next? How about he looked at me funny so I shot him laws. Or I was frightened so I started shooting laws. If you are afraid of people that don't look like you stay home in your bunker and clutch your weapon of personal destruction to your quaking chest.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Constrict The Money, Strangle The Cities
Republican boa constrictors are slowly squeezing all the money out of the cities. Detroit is just the most recent to file for bankruptcy. Cutting state taxes that are absolutely vital to the life force of the cities is just a slow constriction way of bringing them to their knees. Cities are not the only ones to face this powerful serpents coils. School systems, Women's health programs, children and the elderly hunger alleviating programs, locked in pension funds all are all facing the deadly monetary constriction. This is the disgusting reality of 2013. We have become the richest and stingiest nation on earth.We are collapsing faster than ancient Rome that's been drinking wine from lead lined goblets. The relentless squeeze by the Fat Cats and their toady politicians pops the money out of the pockets of the poor and needy and into the wallets of the mega rich. As the let them eat cake crowd drives blissfully to their mansions I bet not one of them even considers the pain and hunger they've left in the wake of their callous policies.Here is something they should consider though,once America and it's infrastructure crumble and all the jobs are being done by the Communist Chinese, America will truly become a third world nation. Eventually, Fat Cats, you will find it very difficult to travel safely in the America you have created. Start thinking about this wealth at any cost insane policy you are waging. It puts us all at risk, even you.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Subsidize Agribusiness, Starve The Hungry
I am so proud of Republican lawmakers for crawling out from under their metaphorical golden rocks and strutting their true beliefs for all to see. Yes now we all get to see the total lack of compassion or understanding of the human misery they cause by only appealing to a rabid right wing base. Incredibly they have voted on the record to increase the subsidies for giant mega rich agribusiness corporations and at the same time not fund the life saving food stamp program.It's obvious why they subsidize big oil and the agribusiness,big donations to their campaigns. It seems cruel beyond measure to deprive hungry children of food.What is the appeal for people to become Republicans? What admiral qualities do people find in the Republican ideology? Does the average Republican believe gutting Social Security and Medicare is a way of imparting kindness to others? Is treating women like it's the 19th century and they are subjects for men to lord over a recruiting tool? Do they find the Republican solution for immigrants,which boils down to high walls and deportation, righteous? Is it because they long to own a machine gun with armor piercing ammunition. Is it the anti gay thing? Is it the hatred of Obama thing? Is it the I don't want to pay any taxes thing? Is it the I hates the government thing? Now I'm not sure if the rumors are true but I've heard the rumor you have to sell your soul to join.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
America And It's Ruling Elite
Now that the game has been completely rigged and the average American has become the equivalent of a feudal serf,what's next for the let them eat cake crowd? Out of 300 million Americans alive today a small number of them rule over the rest. Our rich princes, looking down from their lofty perches, like regal vultures, have one thing that unites them,the unending need for more. They already have their own political party in their wallets. They have their own media networks spewing their own mind dulling spurious propaganda to keep the venal sheep voting against their own self interests. They've bought their own scientific studies to keep convincing the stupid sheep the climate is not changing and injecting poisoned fracking water by the hundreds of millions of gallons underground, will not destroy the water table. They have sent America's manufacturing base to Communist China so they can rake in obscene profits and keep the American worker begging for scraps.American flags are now made in China by Communists.Does the irony elude the sheep? How about this for a new conspiracy theory to keep the sheep awake nights,maybe the super rich have cut a deal with the Commies to turn over all of Americas assets in exchange for perpetual wealth and power. Sure doesn't look implausible to me.
Friday, July 12, 2013
America Surrenders All To China
It's all over now and China has won. Yes we have been subjugated by the Communist Chinese. The weapon used to defeat us was the weapon we gave them, capitalism. America was ,purely and simply defeated by it's fat cats giving in to unquenchable greed. We have given up our manufacturing jobs in return for C.E.O. golden toilet seats. We have made hard working Americans train Communist Chinese workers on our machinery and then shipped their jobs to the once red menace. Can you imagine an American living in the 1950's even contemplating the sell out to the Commies going on now? Right now Communist China is in the process of to acquire most of America's pork industry.Why is this happening? Greed of course. Will America see pig carcasses soon floating in the Mississippi? Happened in China. I find it incredible that rather than pay loyal hard working Americans a living wage and some benefits fat cat greed mongers will give up everything America makes, even it's flag, to the Communists. Get ready to, soon , ride your Chinese bicycle to your rice paddy harvesting job for your new employer. So next time, when some right wing asshole on the radio or television asks where are the jobs, call his station and tell him the jobs are in Communist China thanks to the fat cat greed mongers he or she is shilling for.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Crushing The Will Of The People
The Republican Party has decided that the will of the majority of Americans doesn't matter. Only Republican ultra conservative ideology matters. Take the 90% of Americans who wanted background checks for gun buyers, didn't matter. Here in Ohio, over 20 years ago, Ohio's Supreme Court ruled that the way Ohio funded the schools was unfair and must be changed. Didn't matter to Republican lawmakers after 20 years the system is still the same.The Majority of Americans want comprehensive immigration reform. Won't happen because right wing voters in 2010 put Tea Party obstructionists in the House of the Theater of the Absurd.Roe versus Wade rescued women making the most monumental decision of their lives,from the back alley, to a safe alternative. Doesn't matter, just look whats happening in male Republican dominated state legislatures across America. To the new Republican Party laws and the peoples will do not matter. They will just ignore what the majority wants until we vote them out of office.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Mixing Metaphors
Once this country was like a wild free salmon populated river,flowing unimpeded filled with migrating salmon.Now the river is polluted, blocked by dams, and the salmon are dying in stagnant pools filled with jumping carp and franken fish. To switch metaphors, the greedy pigs have taken over the farm. George Orwell's novel Animal Farm shows us just what this country has become. A nation with political leaders absolutely corrupted by power. Woody Allen said it best in his comedy Sleeper, " There are no political solutions". In Orwell's other great novel 1984 he points out what happens when when you give up your freedoms to feel secure. Now we just trudge along mindlessly,willing to pay outrageous gasoline prices,letting the government collect all our phone data, and giving our life savings to hospital C.E.O.'s who make millions on our illnesses. The sad part is that the big brother propaganda isn't coming from the government, it's coming from right wing radio and television millionaire shills for the rich. Huge groups of angry disaffected people find big brother hate distrust and lies a comforting panacea. It is always easy to blame the so called other. Blame the immigrant, blame the unions, blame the poor, blame everybody but those greedy rich who are really at fault. Everyone deserves respect in the workplace, a livable wage,and affordable health care. Instead of grabbing a little less the rich would rather send your job to Communist China. How do the younger workers without the bias of their parents become complacent pawns of the status quo? A. Huxley's novel Brave New World provides the answer,soma. Soma, in the novel is a tranquilizer used by those in power to calm the disaffected. Today we have I phones, video games,schlock reality T.V.,and social networking, nuf said.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Ohio, The Sanctuary State
Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin all will soon become the new best locations in the new climate change nation. The reason is obvious, the rest of the country is burning, being obliterated by monster storms,or will shortly be under water.People out West are being subjected to temperatures that are turning even the most grizzled into dried out husks. The smart ones will migrate Northeast in droves. Can you imagine temperatures over 130 degrees in say Dallas? All the non union minimum wage jobs Texas can generate won't lure business into a frying pan workplace. Ohio will be great to live in if our fresh water isn't all used up by the poison water creating fracking process. Pennsylvania has smarter politicians than Ohio and is sending us their poisoned forever fracking water also. Once clean water has been poisoned in the fracking process it can only be injected into deep underground wells. In ten years or so if this poison migrates to the water table bet the oil and gas companies that caused this problem will disavow any responsibility. You can count on it.Water is soon to become the new gold. Grabs for great lakes water to be pipelined out West are always in the works. Republican politicians will sell the very air we breathe if they can figure out a way to do it.The Northern states and Canada will see unprecedented growth in the next decade. If you think this is nonsense just wait till you see the hurricane season this fall.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Papers, Papers Please
Now that the U.S. Senate has passed it's version of immigration reform what do you think the chances are of all the little presidential wanna bees in the in the House of Representatives of coming up,with one are? These pompous peacocks, with egos as large as their voting districts, act like little dictators posturing and gesturing as if they were barnyard roosters.The only thing these strutting politicians care about is the chance to show off their far right ideology to their rabid lockstep base. Democrats in the House won't vote for some repressive legislation and right wingers trying to out right wing one another won't either. This will become another grandstanding exercise in futility just like the 40 odd meaningless ,waste of taxpayer's money votes to repeal Obama Care.The House of Representatives should be renamed The Theater of the Absurd.Hatred of President Obama, of Democrats, and of anyone without a right wing view point, has ground our nation to a halt. If by some miracle, a bill with a Berlin wall provision does manage to pass, can't you just see Vladimir Putin standing in front of it saying ( Mr. Obama, tear down this wall!)
Friday, June 28, 2013
The Wasted Human Brain
Think of the wasted potential of the human brain. The dinosaurs had 350 million years to develop but didn't get beyond eating one another. Man comes on the scene and goes from harnessing fire to landing on the moon in just a few hundreds of thousands of years. So why have we skidded to a moralistic halt? Is it because as the human fetus develops it still goes through a lizard brain stage? Think about the absolute abomination of war. War has been part of the human condition since man kind first started walking upright. Why war? Like the song says, what is it good for, absolutely nothing. The only thing war ends up doing is thinning the herd. So how come so many so called leaders and politicians are always clamoring to start another one? The human intellect could turn the whole planet into a literal Garden of Eden, and yet, we persist in banishing people who are not of our tribe to live like Cain outside the garden. Until we accept the fact that the human brain is the ultimate gift, we will continue to demean deny,and slaughter one another.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
One Side Or The Other
The division in America is very apparent, so it's time to trumpet which side you are on. Do you believe that people working for a living should have benefits, or do you believe benefits are only for the company owners? Do you listen to the insidious propaganda filling the air waves by right wing millionaire shills for the rich? Worse yet do you believe their infantile drivel? Do you believe in the passing of restrictive voter I.D. laws to make it harder for certain groups to vote? Do you believe that a woman should be denied a pregnancy termination under any circumstances? Do you believe insurance companies should be allowed to deny birth control to woman? Do you believe health care should be only for the privileged and the rich?Do you favor under funding public schools to give the money to charter schools? Would you deny food to hungry children just to save money? Do you believe your choice of one of the 2000 recognized religions is the one true religion and anyone who doesn't believe as you do is going to burn for eternity in hell? Is the second amendment the only one you can quote and misinterpret?If this is your world view you've already revealed your choice for America.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Taxea Are Absolutely Necessary
The anti tax Luddites are trying to put Ohio into 3rd world status. Soon after the 2010 elections the Republican government take over charged forth with it's SB5 anti union anti working people bill. The bill was put on the ballot and was soundly defeated.So here we go again,the rich and their political party are pushing to cut state taxes and keep more money for their luxury items.Hey fat cats you can only live in one house at a time. How about paying your fair share and letting the rest of us at least a livable wage with some benefits.Taxes are absolutely necessary for a society to remain safe and civilized. They pay for police protection, firemen, teachers,road and bridge repair, snow removal, and a myriad of other important services.People who live by the sweat of their brows and sometimes even their blood, deserve a livable wage with some benefits.When are people going to quit listening to bloated right wing gas bags on the radio telling them to be beholding to their beneficent job creators.Taxes and benefits are not evil.Those who would take from hard working people so they can live obscenely extravagant meaningless lifestyles are evil. The rich anti taxers better watch out, the next bridge that collapses may occur when their limo is driving over it. Now that would be some great karma.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Why Isn't America More Like Canada ?
Went on a fishing vacation this week to the French River in Canada. Beautiful uncrowded wilderness and river. This is a country with a lot of the right ideas in place. The highways and bridges aren't falling apart and the roadsides are for the most part litter free. It seems like business is booming everywhere and capitalism works in a far less harsh manner. Their health care system takes care of all the people not just the rich.Medications are far more affordable than in the U.S.. The fishing is probably what it used to be 150 years ago in America. Less people means less problems but it is evident that Canadians take pride in their country. Canada fits into the 21st. and America keeps trying to go back to the robber baron plagued 19th.. Canada tries mightily to take care of it's people and wilderness, we on the other hand have become a people and nation divided against itself.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Bill And John Bully Barrack And America Into War
Can you believe we're getting involved in another mindless talent time and treasure, sucking war in the Middle East? What a great idea, let's arm some more people who hate our guts, so eventually they can turn them on us. Doesn't anyone in government remember Osama Bin Laden?Billions for people who feel we need to be wiped off the planet? Why is an Arizona Senator acting as if he were president and trying to set foreign policy?Did he forget he lost his bid for the presidency? Shouldn't he be working on immigration reform and a jobs bill? We can't have 100 Senators grandstanding and dragging us into another war. Did Bill,little self control Clinton, really call the current president a wus? Mr. Clinton your economic policies gave us prosperity and your lack of self control gave us Bush.Don't be a grandstander, take a cue from Jimmy Carter and continue to help the poor. Let's leave foreign policy to the current president.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Devoid Of Balance Chaos Reigns
People all over the world are fragmenting into tribal groups. The latest example is the unrest in Turkey. Once again religion is the catalyst. Instead of the yin and yang balance we need people are massing into chaotic groups united in their certainty that they are right. Everything in nature is in balance. Night and day,young and old, summer and winter, life and death, all in balance. When things are in balance life flows as it should. Maybe the chaos we constantly see when tribes unite and become intolerant of those outside their group is part of the grand scheme balance. Our country has stopped moving forward and is forming into two camps, the like of which we haven't seen since the Civil War. Republicans hate Democrats and Democrats hate Republicans. Compromise,or balance if you will,has become, is non existent.This is the case all over the planet. The experiment that we call mankind may be coming to an end. Maybe the cosmic balance doesn't include man.
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