Wednesday, October 30, 2013
In Order To Form A More Perfect Union
To me, unions, are the last glimmer of hope for the American worker. I was fortunate enough to belong to the letter carriers union for over 30 years, and now retired am still a member. What did I get from this collaboration?I worked for a decent livable wage in a work place where management couldn't rule with iron fist tactics. I had paid vacation times as well as paid holidays. I had accumulating sick days, and when I was off work for three months because I broke my back, I received a paycheck. I have health insurance a percentage of which is paid for. I got to retire in my late 50's. I now receive a livable pension. All of this was a direct benefit of the negotiating hard fought battles by my union. This is how the American workplace should operate. Non union workers are at the mercy of the whims of their so called beneficent job creator. The unions in this country are under constant attack by politicians trying to take the country back to the days of the robber barons and no child labor laws. Think this is an exaggeration, just look at N.A.F.T.A. or bubble headed Republicans calling for an end to the minimum wage.Look at how Republicans passed a law in 2006 that is now bankrupting the postal system. These type trade agreements and pieces of legislation are meant to destroy unions and allow C.E.O.'s to decorate their multiple mansions with golden toilets.We are now negotiating with low wage countries,including Vietnam, a country that took 58000 American lives, to ship more jobs out of our country so the rich can get richer and the poor can have access to more inferior unsafe products like the dog food shutting down the kidneys of America's dog population.Americans need to stop listening to the shills for the rich on radio and television. These blow hard's sow only hate and reap huge profits promoting policies that send American jobs to the Communist Chinese. Want America to work again? Vote all government hating, people disdaining Republicans out of office.
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