Sunday, October 6, 2013
Why Are Republican Politicians Such Chickens ?
Republican Congressmen talk the tough talk but walk the chicken walk when threatened with a primary challenge. If some Tea Party right wing zealot follows you around whispering in your ear that unless you tank the economy you will face a primary tell him to go right ahead and to kiss your ass on the way. Be a patriot not a chicken. You represent all Americans not just a bunch of hunkered down, anti-health insurance, birthers.This country is far more important than your job security. Shutdown is as stupid as believing the president was born in Kenya. Listen Chicken Littles you are paid taxpayer money to do a job that does not include dismantling the very government you were elected to serve. I know your bowels get all loose and squishy at the thought of millions of dollars of campaign ads directed at replacing you with Attila the Hun but America is tired of all the little pompous Attila's trying to bring it down,so how about growing a set and stepping up?
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