The most important elections of the last 100 years will definitely be decided by women and people of retirement age. The Republican party has for the first time I can remember taken off its mask and showed us the true face of Dr. Doom. Yes, just like in the comic books it is too horrible to look at but we must not turn away. Whomever gets the Republican presidential nomination has already endorsed the Republican agenda of turning Medicare into a voucher system and giving it to insurance companies. The present Republican house majority have all voted on the record to do so. Republicans have vowed to repeal Obama-care as if appealing to hatred of the president will end a program that bars discrimination for pre-existing conditions and has countless other measures to help working people. Their only solution for sick people seems to be to get on the Doctors without Borders schedule. Think back to those wonderful Bush years when people were lined up trying to see a doctor from Doctors without Borders because they couldn't afford health care. This is right back to where we are headed if Republicans are not evicted from office on a national level.
Listen to their attacks on Women's rights. Rick Santorum has said contraception was wrong. All their candidates have endorsed the idea of personhood at the moment of conception. They could make birth control a crime. Their recent attempts to pit Catholics against Democrats is just a veiled attempt to divide and conquer. Having as many children as possible because a religious tenant says so is ludacris. People do not have sex just to have children. Sex is an expression of love for your partner, not just a religious mandate to proliferate.
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