The Republicans are slowing giving us their anointed bride/groom Willard Romney. His ideas are the same old; rob the poor to give to the rich delusions. None of it is anything new that will help average Americans. His call for more tax cuts for the rich which will only expand the budget deficit. These policy jokes all come from a man making over $50,000.00 a day while saying he's unemployed.
Same old rich versus poor garbage. Willard says he's not worried about the poor while his campaign spent over 40 million dollars so far trying to get him to appeal to the average Joe. He says he likes to fire people who provide services for him. He should fire his ad agency and buy a new personality. These babies bawl class warfare and envy when anyone points out their hypocritical agenda. Do you really want to hand Medicare over to the insurance companies? The Republicans already voted to do just that and Willard says he's all for it. Have we as a nation decided the monied corporations are the only ones who matter? Oh yea, corporations are people my friend, yes they are....
The growing awareness about the extreme income inequality and the very wealthy's grip on our political system indicate that some form of class war is all but inevitable. I am developing a set of ground rules for a possible class war that would guide it in a peaceful and productive direction. The Rules for the Class War begin at this post: http://www.ragingwisdom.com/?p=585 I am open to hearing comments and suggestions.