Living in Ohio I was amazed to find out that the golden rule was not do unto others as you would have them do unto you but, he who has the gold makes the rules. I learned this by reading a letter to the editor from the head of the local Tea Party. His Tea Party felt it should give a local school district their support but only if the teachers agreed to pay cuts and wage freezes. In other words the Tea Party wants to negotiate school contracts in exchange for school levy support. The schools promptly turned them down. This prompted his version of the golden rule. Many years ago the Ohio Supreme Court found the funding process of public shcools to be unequal and unfair. Schools are forced to rely on levies to provide education. Obviously this leads to rich districts getting more and poor districts getting less. The Republican party of Ohio has ignored this court ruling for over ten years. Now we have the Tea Party trying to re-establish S.B.5 the anti union law that was repealed by a massive recall vote. Time to vote out all Republicans at all levels of government.
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