If an industry that is vital to the defense and economic well being of an entire nation decides that profits take precedent over the country's economic survival, shouldn't that companies policies be investigated on a national level? Shouldn't an industry whose CEO's make on average, 9 million dollars in compensation annually give up on it's tax subsidies? We are all hearing that gasoline will be $5.00/gallon by early summer. What effect will this have on our fragile economy? Does greed trump patriotism in today's America? Do you remember the congressional hearing when oil company executives said they believed in shared prosperity not shared sacrifice? How can average people prosper when they can't afford gas to get to work? What political party do you think believes oil company tax breaks and massive pipelines should continue forward? Do you really believe all the oil and gas drilled in America goes to Americans and not the highest bidder on the world stage? Did you know oil extraction executives make over 4 million dollar salaries on average? Once well water aquifers are polluted it's for all time. Think big oil has your best interest at heart?
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