It's time to end the reign of the Fat Cats and vote all Republicans, at all levels, out of government. They want to end Medicare and Social Security and have already voted to do so. Can you imagine if they had the presidency and the Senate as well as the house? Americans would have to cross the borders into Canada to stay alive. This is only the first silver bullet. After we rid ourselves of the obstructionists we then get rid of oil and gas company subsidies. Then we tax the rich at a rate closer to the Eisenhower administrations rate. We take the increased revenue and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and schools. We regulate Wall Street and the big banks so they help the economy instead of raping it. We revamp the military and rely more on robotic drones and special forces. We let it be known any country using nuclear weapons against us or our allies will be turned into an uninhabitable wasteland. First lets vote out the obstructionists.
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