Remember the 1950's movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Average people were taken over by alien pods from space. These pod replicants had no emotion or compassion. They had but two goals: The take over of the world and lockstep ideology to be forced upon everyone. Scary how much these aliens sound like today's Republican party, is it not? Look at the pledge all Republicans take, once in office, never to raise taxes. Look at how ancient white men wish to control women's bodies and reproductive functions. Look at how their ultimate weapon, money, is used to take over governing bodies right down to school boards. Their alien leaders even write ideologically pure laws, in secret, and then distribute them to their right wing governors and legislatures. They broadcast their alien propaganda with their own compassionless media to indoctrinate the gullible and uninformed. In the movie, average people were taken over in their sleep. What a metaphor. Don't fall asleep America, don't fall asleep.