Wednesday, October 30, 2013
In Order To Form A More Perfect Union
To me, unions, are the last glimmer of hope for the American worker. I was fortunate enough to belong to the letter carriers union for over 30 years, and now retired am still a member. What did I get from this collaboration?I worked for a decent livable wage in a work place where management couldn't rule with iron fist tactics. I had paid vacation times as well as paid holidays. I had accumulating sick days, and when I was off work for three months because I broke my back, I received a paycheck. I have health insurance a percentage of which is paid for. I got to retire in my late 50's. I now receive a livable pension. All of this was a direct benefit of the negotiating hard fought battles by my union. This is how the American workplace should operate. Non union workers are at the mercy of the whims of their so called beneficent job creator. The unions in this country are under constant attack by politicians trying to take the country back to the days of the robber barons and no child labor laws. Think this is an exaggeration, just look at N.A.F.T.A. or bubble headed Republicans calling for an end to the minimum wage.Look at how Republicans passed a law in 2006 that is now bankrupting the postal system. These type trade agreements and pieces of legislation are meant to destroy unions and allow C.E.O.'s to decorate their multiple mansions with golden toilets.We are now negotiating with low wage countries,including Vietnam, a country that took 58000 American lives, to ship more jobs out of our country so the rich can get richer and the poor can have access to more inferior unsafe products like the dog food shutting down the kidneys of America's dog population.Americans need to stop listening to the shills for the rich on radio and television. These blow hard's sow only hate and reap huge profits promoting policies that send American jobs to the Communist Chinese. Want America to work again? Vote all government hating, people disdaining Republicans out of office.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
The Simply Poor Versus The Deluded Poor
The poor will always be with us, but now they have been divided into two camps. One faction consists of the struggling everyman and the other camp is populated by poor people easily misled by pernicious right wing propaganda that appeals to their prejudiced world view. These deluded poor vote against their own self interests by voting in Republican politicians who actually redistribute America's wealth from those in most need to those needing golden shower curtains or 400 dollar bottles of wine to impress their contemporaries.Yes Republican lawmakers will vote to cut 40 billion dollars in food stamps and then vote to keep the 40 billion dollar taxpayer financed subsidy to the richest corporations in the world , the oil and gas industry.The deluded poor find this righteous because some puffy haired preacher spouting made up gospels of prosperity says God wants the rich to keep on being gluttonous at the expense of everyone else. The simply poor, who are not fooled by mega church pastors driving luxury bling mobiles, are hoping the deluded poor will realize that Jesus implied that whatever was done to or for the least of his flock was done to Him. I think most people believe what Jesus taught about it being harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle is the true reality.After all what benefit is it to gain the whole world and loose your immortal soul?
Friday, October 25, 2013
The Un-affordable We Don't Care Act
Do you remember the health care systems under president Bush, and his Republican majority in both houses of Congress? No? For people who couldn't afford health insurance it was hoping Doctors Without Borders would come to your state once a year. Now after 40 something attempts to keep poor people from health care and screaming the A.C.A. was the worst thing since slavery, the savior of the rich Paul Ryan, is going to pull a rabbit out the hat in the form of the Republican alternative. Wanna bet it's the same old rehash of vouchers and medical savings account again? The same old screw the poor and reward the rich bullshit. The only law Republican politicians are enamored with is their version of the law of the jungle. You know only the rich survive. Hey Republicans why not take advantage of the mental health provisions in the A.C.A. and be tested to see if your lust for money can be treated with a compassion pill.While your at it have your unquenchable hatred of America's first African American president checked out. Who knows, maybe under your We Don't Care Act they'll bring back pre-frontal lobotomies.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
What A Big Ham I AM
The world is 10,000 years old. This is my belief.Everyone I hang around with agree, much to my relief.Man has dominion over the Earth and it's beast's.Global warming's a myth. So fire up the grill and let us all feast. If you can't afford health insurance that;s really too bad. Don't expect me to start crying and be very sad. Birth control is a sin you must surely agree. Crank out those babies and set your soul free.The Civil War never ended, it goes on and on.Vote against your self interest, your just a dumb pawn. The old testament and phony prosperity gospels are what I believe in.If you don't believe the way I do you are part devil's kin. The president is from Kenya this we all surely know. Impeach him for no reason, he just has to go. To my ignorant followers there are no such thing as facts. We just live in a right wing bubble, it's intelligence they lack.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
The War of Southern Agression
Confederate politicians from the South and West are constantly referring to the Civil War as the war of Northern aggression. The refusal to move on from a loss suffered 150 years ago is causing America it's standing the world view and is just plain crazy.Playing on this ancestral bitterness and the inability to look beyond the right wing moronic propaganda that feeds and nurtures their stunted belief systems they elect politicians of the lowest common denominator.They deny any scientific facts such as evolution global warming or the true age of the Earth. Some actually believe the president of the United States is a Muslim who was born in Africa. They shut down the American government better than any terrorist organization ever could. They have no qualms accepting federal aid for disasters in Southern or Western states, but wanted to deny aid to New York after it was devastated by hurricane Sandy. Now they are about to lead a Stalinist purge of Republican members who dared vote to keep America from collapse. They hate the idea of health insurance for the poor, because obviously they hate poor people. Hey you Confederate wanna bees, you are free to vote against your own self interests but these mean spirited right wing government destroyers you keep sending to congress are ruining this once proud country.Go ahead and keep whistling Dixie but don't expect Northerners to dance to banjo players from the movie Deliverance.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Future America Tea Party Style
The first to become extinct were the retired. After Social Security and Medicare were repealed the old and infirm could only afford to eat Chinese made dog food, which shut down their kidneys. Next to become victims of the war of Southern aggression, were the working poor and their malnourished children. Food stamps and the W.I.C. program were dissolved and the money given to Confederate flag companies who promptly moved their factories to Communist China. The hungry did try to rise up and revolt but were quickly mowed down by by private security forces wielding fully automatic weapons. The once hard working 47% were winnowed down to 7%. The Constitution,except for the second amendment,was dissolved. Each state was now a little turd world country ruled by very very well armed tribes. Yes, thanks to the now disbanded Supreme Court which allowed billions of dollars to corrupt the political process, the war of Southern aggression was won by the Tea Party. All 50 of the new banana republic's banned birth control, any mention of evolution,women in the work place,and any religion other than Christianity. For sport, the gods of capitalism hunted down the remaining 7%. The turd world 50 only had one problem. The armies and navies of China, Russia, Iran,North Korea,and even Canada were headed for their shores.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
The Obstructor, Super Villain
A new super villain has emerged to threaten America. He was, at first glance, an unlikely villain at best. His orange skin, constant smoking and crying, would lead most people to believe he was just an odd duck and not a diabolical evil genius.The Obstuctor, as he is now known, filched a little known black magic spell from the ancient book of Hastert and ground the most powerful nation on earth to a halt.No one on earth, but the Obstructor, was capable of removing the blockage now gripping America. All he had to do was allow a full vote on a clean C.R. bill in the Fortress of Stupidity. He won't do it for fear of being devoured by his knuckle dragging mouth breathing minions. These evil creatures delight in depriving the aged the poor and even defenseless children of what they need to survive. As the Obstructor's blockage in the bowels of America continued the popularity of his co-conspirators and even himself went into a free fall dive to the bottom of the out house pit. They didn't care. This blockage isn't about policy it is about continuing the power of stupidity to cripple the government of the United States.
Friday, October 11, 2013
We Get It. You Don't Want To Share.
I guess Republicans never read the book" Everything I Needed To Know I Learned In Kindergarten". The author a minister whose name eludes me, wrote a brilliant book on the skills needed for life in a sane society. The main goals in the book, for me, were we need to get along and to learn to share with each other. These are skills learned in kindergarten.Did a lot of today's Republicans not attend kindergarten? Were they all home schooled by private tutors? Too bad the lessons on getting along and sharing were skipped. Seems like the emphasis was placed more on the personal pronouns I, me, and mine. Was their golden rule he who has the gold makes the rules?The solution for today's hurray for me and the hell with you form of Republican governance is simple. If you feel any program paid for by taxes is evil, then you must wear a red letter R at all times before opting out of society. There will be a meter installed in your house and one in your many vehicles so you can be charged every time you use public streets or call the police or firemen. The rest of us will shun you like the lepers of old. You don't want to associate with commoners anyway and really we have nothing in common with you. Take your money and opt out, we won't miss you trying to ruin our lives with your political insaity.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Why Are Republican Politicians Such Chickens ?
Republican Congressmen talk the tough talk but walk the chicken walk when threatened with a primary challenge. If some Tea Party right wing zealot follows you around whispering in your ear that unless you tank the economy you will face a primary tell him to go right ahead and to kiss your ass on the way. Be a patriot not a chicken. You represent all Americans not just a bunch of hunkered down, anti-health insurance, birthers.This country is far more important than your job security. Shutdown is as stupid as believing the president was born in Kenya. Listen Chicken Littles you are paid taxpayer money to do a job that does not include dismantling the very government you were elected to serve. I know your bowels get all loose and squishy at the thought of millions of dollars of campaign ads directed at replacing you with Attila the Hun but America is tired of all the little pompous Attila's trying to bring it down,so how about growing a set and stepping up?
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Emperor Cruz Rules By Fiat
Am I wrong, didn't President Obama win a second term?Right after the election didn't the speaker of the house say Obama Care was the law of the land? His word means nothing? Wasn't the Affordable Care Act ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court ?Wasn't the A.C.A. signed into law by the President. Now a junior senator from Texas is controlling Congress and acting as emperor of the whole country and elections don't matter to him and his minions. Wasn't living through two terms of the W.M.D. man from Texas enough pain and misery for the country? Do we. as a nation have to endure another puffed up narcissist. After a 21 hour ego stroking marathon the self appointed emperor challenged his avid co-conspirators in the house to shut down the government over a law they can't change.Now the emperor is instructing House Republicans to pass piecemeal funding. I didn't vote for an emperor from Texas, I voted for President, how about you?
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