Monday, April 30, 2012
We Should Hold a National Frivolous Contest
First, I don't believe I would get many people to refute the idea that America has become the most frivolous country in the world. Frivolous, meaning light-minded, trivial, is the perfect adjective to describe the modern American mindset. Just pick up the remote to one of your personal frivolous machines. Start in the morning to get your dose of wake-up fluff. On one channel the lead story will feature some cavorting with has-beens aging celebs who couldn't perform due to an ingrown toe-nail. Quickly flick the remote to another network and listen to the sobs of someone who couldn't lose enough weight on the latest fat/thin extravaganza. Plenty of tears and emotional angst here. Or how about what troll-like person surprised America with a voice totally contrary to their appearance. For your evening fare who doesn't enjoy some grown mama's boy crying over rejection on I Dated a Trollop. Just go to cable or satellite TV you say. Well I must admit a show about someone with an addiction to eating bathroom cleanser or people living in rental homes infested with meal worms does have its appeal. I think I'll pass. This brings us to the frivolous fetish for eating only armadillo road kill might just win you your own reality show. Provided you dress like a Prussian general.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
The Stepford President
Remember the movie and it's remake the Stepford Wives? Men of wealth moved to a beautiful town where all the families lived in harmony. The men hung out whiles their wives, being perfect in every way, made it smooth running for the men to be kings of their domains. By being perfect I of course mean perfect in the misogynistic sense. Of course as the movie progresses we find out that the real women have been replaced by plastic, breast enhanced copies. No equal pay for equal work or independent thought to worry about here. What political party today do you think this model of society appeals to?
Enter the Stepford candidate. His stature is just the right height. He agrees with whichever way the political wind is blowing. He will eat cheesy grits if that is what someone says people do in the region he is campaigning in. His wife has to tell him what women want to hear. He is for a womens right to control her own body until someone tells him to embrace a personhood amendment. He signs a health care bill into law and then vows to get rid of Obama care. Just think, he can become our first Stepford president.
Monday, April 23, 2012
A Bill of Rights for the Rich
The last Bill of Rights was ratified in the year 1791. That was a long time ago and now that America has become the serfdom of the rich, and the middle class the poor and especially women, have become chattel, the old bill of rights needs to be updated...for the rich:
1. In America you still may worship as you will, but only those attending a mega-church run by political ideologically pure puffy haired preacher spouting made up gospels of wealth for the wealthy will be accepted into heaven's country club.
2. The right to keep and bear arms stays the same in hopes the great unwashed rabble will eliminate each other.
3. The rich reserve the right to take your property to provide quarters for their private security forces.
4. You cannot search a rich person for any reason, it is unreasonable.
5. You have the right to be wrongly convicted unless you are rich enough to buy your freedom with the most expensive lawyers.
6. You have the right to be executed swiftly so there is no possibility of a costly do over.
7. You will be judged by bored rich people who like to play god.
8. The crueler and more unusual the punishment, the better. This is the very essence of punishment as a deterrent.
9. The rich will construct and destruct whatever they want.
10. The states have no right to tax the rich and every right to tax the be-jesus out of anyone in the middle or lower classes. States will maintain the right to constantly invade the privacy of the bedroom and women's bodies.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The First Stream of Consciousness Candidate

One candidate for the highest office in the land seems to have a problem holding back the random thoughts that just pop into his head. Now remember he is running for the position that controls the real Weapons of Mass Destruction. Enough devastating firepower to turn the earth into a warm cinder. Let's just throw out a few of his stream of consciousness utterances. "Corporations are people my friend, yes they are." "I like to fire people that provide services to me." "The trees are the right height." Now some of these shout outs, I realize aren't word for word but you can see the pattern. "I've had cheesy grits twice this week." "My wife drives a couple of Cadillacs." "Let the auto industry go bankrupt." "Planned parenthood we'll get rid of that." "The foreclosure process should run it's course so we can get renters in those homes." When asked if he supported a person-hood amendment? His answer was "Absolutely!" He said he finds the Paul Ryan budget the one that cuts taxes even more for the rich and ends Medicare "Marvelous." He strapped his dog carrier to the top of the family car for a 12 hour diarrhea inducing road trip. This is the type of judgmental process we want controlling our WMDs?
Monday, April 16, 2012
The Shell Game that America Has Become

What is the one thing Americans really excel at? Creating profits out of thin air. Look at the Wall Street banking scandal. Once most regulations were removed from Wall Street, the first thing they did was create billions in profit out of thin air. They lent money to people they new weren't qualified or couldn't pay them back. They collected banking fees and then took out insurance betting the loans would fail. It was a big win win for the rich, making them richer. For this massive calamity inflicted on American, not one banker has done the perp walk.
Look at a certain energy company. First you corner the electric energy market and then shut down power plants to create a false crisis and then charge the sky is the limit rates for electricity. Rolling blackouts all over California. All do to wealth created from nothing. At least the company is no more. But how about the people that invested and were told right to the end that the stock was a great investment?
What will be the next shell game foisted upon an unsuspecting world? Oil speculation is doing a good job of slowing any recovery. you have the oil industry making more in profits than ny corporation in history. Yet we subsidize them to the tune of 10 billion dollars a year. Taxpayer money so they can make even more money for a product that should be sold for half the price now charged. The shell game will always be with us. Americans need to stop being dupes.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Ignorance of the Issues Turns Your Vote Into Waste

Where do most Americans get their knowledge of the American Political system? Television and radio are the obvious answers. Through these mediums, how is the political message disseminated? Mostly through negative attack ads. These attack ads foul perceptions of candidates and misrepresent, for the most part, their views. Then there is the re-enforcement of negative political views on both sides by media stations geared to always stay on their side of the battle line.
Look at the 2010 elections and how a group of elderly billionaire, bank rolled Republicans managed to sow so much dissent amongst the votes that we now have congress men shouting their disrespect of the president at join sessions. Look at the grid-lock the tea party has caused.
Americans all need to pay attention because this next national election will determine the course of America for years to come. Paul Ryan, to his credit, has given the Republican agenda to all of us to examine. More tax breaks for the rich and the elimination of Medicare are two of his ideas. President Obama wishes to eliminate subsidies for the obscenely bloated oil industry and tax millionaires and billionaires more fairly. My political bias is showing so you need to look at the issues yourself and decide.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
America, The Modern Titanic

America, metaphorically speaking, is like the ill fated Titanic gliding along in frigid perilous waters. This vast magnificent liner was proclaimed unsinkable. That was until an iceberg opened her up like a gutted fish. It seems confidence and pride were not enough to keep her afloat.
America, for decades, sailed along a brilliant example of morals and values. She took care of her people by providing the life boats of Social Security and Medicare. It had fine public schools, a most efficient postal system, and laws that guaranteed equality.
Then the catastrophic iceberg of pure greed ripped a gaping hole in the vessel that was America. America the innovator, and America the manufacturer of most of the worlds goods, was now the exporter of jobs and technology. People who worship only money opened the gash and let the frigid waters rush in. As the common average American scrambled over his neighbors to stay afloat, his representatives passed laws to widen the hole even more. Now even the social lifeboats are being scuttled in the name of fiscal austerity. Soon the ship will sink, creating a vast sucking whirlpool that draws in the rest of the world like a black hole. Unless we vote out the greedy.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sorry, Private

If the Republican party wins or holds on to any semblance of power, everything that can be privatized, will be. Medicare, social security, the post office, public schools, police departments, national parks, war, you name it. Look at the price of gasoline. Gas prices are being used to destroy the economic recovery. This is so blatant it's laughable. Oil companies for the last ten years have made more money than god. Instead of being patriots and holding profit to acceptable amounts, they've decided to ruin any chance for jobs to be created. Fuel costs go up and everything goes up. They know this. They hope by killing the economy everyone will blame Obama and drill baby drill greed mongers will get elected. Who in their right minds expects big business to do anything but monetarily rape the public. Utility companies, airlines, health care, all private for profit monsters charging unlivable rates so they can keep making obscene profits. No end in sight. The only way to change course is to be sure and vote all Republicans at all levels out of office. The Republican party only worships money. Listen to any argument that comes out of the elephants mouth. We can't afford it, the country is going broke, and lets cut taxes for the rich while we shaft everyone else. Vote them out. All of them.
America is No Longer a Free Nation

First let me say that I wouldn't vote for a Republican candidate for any office even if you water-boarded me. I think all, and I mean all, Republicans must be voted from office. Republicans since 1980 have transformed America. Picture America as the victim of the creature from the Alien movie. He thinks he's fine and then suddenly pitches onto the table writhing in pain as a hideous creature rips out of his body killing him and taking over control of the Nostromo by fear. Let me just pose a few questions to the few Democrats in power that actually care about America and it's people. First, how did you let people wearing tea bags destroy the Affordable Care Act? Why the Silence? How come no bankers have done the perp walk? How can you let right wing ideological organization A.L.E.C. write laws that Republican Legislatures just rubber stamp into existence? Doesn't this circumvent Democracy? How can Grover Norquist make congressmen sign a pledge not to consider part of their job? Isn't this coercion? How can voter ID laws that disenfranchise millions of minority voters be allowed to become law? Where is Eric Holder? Is he like Waldo and we have to find him to get him to do anything? This to quote Mr. Santorum, is bullshit. Silence is complicity.
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