What is the one thing Americans really excel at? Creating profits out of thin air. Look at the Wall Street banking scandal. Once most regulations were removed from Wall Street, the first thing they did was create billions in profit out of thin air. They lent money to people they new weren't qualified or couldn't pay them back. They collected banking fees and then took out insurance betting the loans would fail. It was a big win win for the rich, making them richer. For this massive calamity inflicted on American, not one banker has done the perp walk.
Look at a certain energy company. First you corner the electric energy market and then shut down power plants to create a false crisis and then charge the sky is the limit rates for electricity. Rolling blackouts all over California. All do to wealth created from nothing. At least the company is no more. But how about the people that invested and were told right to the end that the stock was a great investment?
What will be the next shell game foisted upon an unsuspecting world? Oil speculation is doing a good job of slowing any recovery. you have the oil industry making more in profits than ny corporation in history. Yet we subsidize them to the tune of 10 billion dollars a year. Taxpayer money so they can make even more money for a product that should be sold for half the price now charged. The shell game will always be with us. Americans need to stop being dupes.
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