One candidate for the highest office in the land seems to have a problem holding back the random thoughts that just pop into his head. Now remember he is running for the position that controls the real Weapons of Mass Destruction. Enough devastating firepower to turn the earth into a warm cinder. Let's just throw out a few of his stream of consciousness utterances. "Corporations are people my friend, yes they are." "I like to fire people that provide services to me." "The trees are the right height." Now some of these shout outs, I realize aren't word for word but you can see the pattern. "I've had cheesy grits twice this week." "My wife drives a couple of Cadillacs." "Let the auto industry go bankrupt." "Planned parenthood we'll get rid of that." "The foreclosure process should run it's course so we can get renters in those homes." When asked if he supported a person-hood amendment? His answer was "Absolutely!" He said he finds the Paul Ryan budget the one that cuts taxes even more for the rich and ends Medicare "Marvelous." He strapped his dog carrier to the top of the family car for a 12 hour diarrhea inducing road trip. This is the type of judgmental process we want controlling our WMDs?
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