Women and their very rights as equal citizens in America are under an assault as never before. The attacks started stealthily at first after the Republican landslide of 2010. State legislatures and governor-ships taken over by Tea Party zealots screaming Obama care is ruining America, have decided women need to reproduce at 1950's rates and be quiet about it. These bills many crafted by a single entity and distributed to red state legislators are designed to put men back in total charge. Just look at the recent hearings on contraception. The first set of hearings women weren't allowed to testify. Look at the assault on planned parenthood. Look at the infiltration of ideology even in the Walk for a Cure. Take a real good look at the so-called personhood ideology that all Republican candidates for president have endorsed. If Republicans regain the white house and congress, get ready to relive the 1950's. The Democratic party is not perfect but it is consistent in it's support of the 21st century woman. Women, by the shear force of their numbers, have it within their power to end the war that is waged against them. It is truly up to women to stop this insanity.
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