Worse than a Mayan prediction, a possible take-over of the American presidency and congress by Republicans. Let's look at all the new jobs Republican lawmakers would create. Because after all we know Republicans are all about jobs. Insurance claims repudiators would be posting want ads. Orphanage personnel wanted after the banning of contraception. Poor house directors wanted because social security is now a Wall Street grab bag. Loan shark enforcers after Dodd-Frank is repealed. Prison guards wanted, this goes without saying. Executioners needed as we make the death penalty viable for the crime of stealing bread. Limo and private jet waxers needed to work for the new minimum wage of 2 dollars/hour. Puddle bridges; people that lay down in mud puddles so the rich can walk on top of them and not get wet or dirty. Home school assistants because public schools are too expensive to waste money on. Solent Green food processors because average income workers are only allowed to eat cake and each other.
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