Let's start in the past to see what Republicans have given us. Under president Reagan, we received trickle down economics. We learned ketchup was a vegetable. We traded a key shaped cake with Iran for money to fight the Contra's.
Under H.W.Bush, we got the first anti-climatical war with Iraq. The phrase "Read my hips." A phony attempt at populism with a dislike for broccoli and endorsement of pork rinds. Presidential amazement of grocery store digital scanners and puke all over the Japanese Prime Minister.
Moving into the 21st century, we started with a contested presidential election decided by a conservative supreme court. The largest attack in history on American soil. A war based on phony WMDs with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Insane redistribution of wealth through tax cuts for the wealthy while not funding two wars and a prescription drug plan. The housing bubble burst and the Wall Street Bailout.
What can we expect if Republicans steal total control once again? An end to women's reproductive rights. Medicare given over to Republican sugar daddy insurance companies. War with Iran. Restrictions to impede minorities from voting. The destruction of unions. Fracking run wild. Anaconda like oil pipelines filled with tar criss-crossing over water aquifers. Social Security traded on wall Street.
You gotta admit, Republicans are true visionaries. Too bad their visions are nightmares.
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