I wondered why would Republicans try to turn the clock back to the 1950's for women? Surely they had to realize the blow-back once women figured out they were about to become chattel under Republican regressive laws about to be enacted. I know that Republican arrogance knows no boundaries, but still. Then the epiphany. Why ancient white men are terrified that soon they will become a minority. How better to increase the ranks then ban birth control.
First let their 2010 elected state governors and legislators put forward bills saying conception begins at the first twinkle in a man's eye. Then have all your Republican presidential candidates sign onto a personhood ideology. Finally bring out your right wing radio and television propagandists to say basically women are sluts if they hold back from having children. You know the very same propagandists that said they would leave the country if Obama care passed. We're still waiting for you to leave. Obviously not men of your word. Maybe you should stick to making fun of people with debilitating diseases. More your style.
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