Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The South's Rising Un-Civil War

The modern Confederate party AKA the GOP, has taken the Southern mentality and forced it on all of us. Look at the absolutely deadly stand your ground and concealed carry laws Republican right wing legislatures have enacted. Now you can be legally killed by some nut with a grudge who says he felt threatened by you. Look at the poor kid eating skittles and walking while black, his only crimes. Dead. Tennessee just passed a law banning the teaching of evolution in school. Women in Southern states have to fight tooth and nail just to get health services while being made to pay for unwanted intrusive procedures and this type of slavery is spreading. Bogus voter ID laws brought forth by billionaires and secret legislation developers. Global warming is a hoax to most Southerners. Most Southern states are right to wish to secede. We wish you would leave. You started this Un-civil war again and people who don't thump bibles don't want your interpretation of what god allegedly wants for America.
For the rest of us who think women are equal partners, unions are economically beneficial, that global warming is real, that you should believe or not believe the way you want, will not travel to your backward looking states, nor will we spend any tourist dollars there. Besides, we might get shot.

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