There will be a new order of business should Republicans re-take the white house and congress.
Mandatory Wake-up time is 5:00am. Then a cold water absolution and brushing of remaining teeth. Next, morning constitutional in communal outhouse follow. Dress in appropriate work uniform purchased with your own money. Ready the children, if any, for work in the mines or as janitors. Leave compound and walk over to job site. Punch in. A minute of tardiness costs you an hours pay. Recite the pledge of loyalty to your job creator. Start working. Listen to right wing propaganda piped in demeaning women. Work 6 hours and hope urine relief bucket passes to you soon. After 8 hours, 15 minute lunch, unpaid. Eat solent green bar and drink recycled urine-aid from bucket. Work 4 more hours. When whistle sounds line up in front of time clock. Job creator hands you your paycheck while belittling your lack of motivation. Open check. Find out that after company deductions you owe the job creator 110 dollars. Sing rousing rendition of "I love my Boss." Punch out and march back to compound. Find out children killed in mine misadventure. No time to grieve. Eat Solent Green supper and a real treat, a glass of warm water. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.