Thursday, September 27, 2012
A Day In The Life of a Non-Rich Right Winger
It's 5.00am. time to get up and get ready for work. Make a cup of instant coffee and reach for the cereal. Ran out of milk have to use water. Trailer door is stuck, kick it open. Go to start 15 year old car. Door is stuck climb through window. Hope battery isn't dead. After 7 tries engine sputters to life. Turn on right wing radio channel for drive to work. Learn current president used to be a cannibal. After loud screeching of metal on metal brake parts park car at back of lot. Enter workplace to the howls of indignation from right wing radio personality screaming employer paid health care is socialism. Punch in and start work unloading products you used to make now made in China. Cut hand deeply on lead painted toy. Run to restroom to stop bleeding using toilet paper. Hope your 19 year old boss didn't see you take unauthorized bathroom break. After 10 hour day, of which only 8 paid, you head home. The afternoon right wing commentator says Nancy Pelosi is a devil worshiper. Sit down on porch to enjoy T.V. dinner from China. Turn on right wing television network. Serious looking announcer says recent deregulation of electric companies is good for the economy. Television goes dark for lack of payment on now huge electric bill. Damn Democrats! Stumble into dark trailer and go to bed.
Monday, September 24, 2012
The Perfect Republican Slogan, I Don't Care!
Finally, a slogan from the Republican presidential candidate worthy of his entire party." I don't care about them." Why don't they care? Because Democrats are the OTHER. How about taking the slogan one step farther so you can put it on a bumper sticker. The luxury car adornment would read " I DON'T CARE AND I DON'T SHARE." Here's another " MONEY MATTERS PEOPLE DON'T!"How about " WE FEED BIG OIL NOT THE HUNGRY." Or "NEED A JOB ? MOVE TO CHINA." Here's some for Mitt, " IF ELECTED I WILL BE THE BAIN OF YOUR EXISTENCE . "Or " NO PROFIT OUTSOURCE ." Let us not leave out Willards running mate, " I LOVE HEALTH INSURANCE ..... COMPANIES." " A WOMEN'S RIGHT IS TO BARE CHILDREN." You get the idea.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Let's Divide and Have Two America's
President Obama has said that there isn't a red and a blue America but one America. I hate to differ with the president but there are two America's. Just ask the Republican presidential candidate. He says half of Americans claim to be victims and want to get a free government ride. So let us take the Republican theology a step further and divide the country. Elect two presidents and four houses of congress.Red state America can opt out of Medicare Social Security, Planned Parenthood, and anything else that doesn't fit in with their law of the jungle mindset. If they do decide to collect any taxes they can go to the military, checking candidate birth certificates, and making gun ownership mandatory. Blue state America can institute universal health care, renewable energy policies,and an end to warlike intervention for oil. I for one am tired of bible thumping hail to the rich mentality being forced on my blue state mind. I am sure red state Americans feel the same way about blue state compassion. I know their pick for president dose .
Monday, September 17, 2012
Back to the 50's Communist Chinese Style
Yes after the 2012 elections, America could charge backwards into the 1950's. Birth control would consist of a bundling board. Women would be constantly pregnant, or nun like celibates, because men say so. Unions would be banned. The word pollution will be changed to fertilizer. The rich will bring their money back from foreign banks because they will no longer pay any taxes. They will still invest their money with the Communist Chinese because Chinese factory workers live in company run compounds and work for an average of 61 cents an hour. Oil and gas companies will be considered sacred like Hindu cattle. At the age of 65 the elderly will be turned into Solent Green wafers eliminating the need for Social Security and Medicare. Of course rich people will be exempt from the 65 age limit, because lets face it, they are the job creators.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
What Republican Ideas Appeal to Women?
I can see where even the poorest of men can be misled into voting Republican, but I am baffled as to how women feel it is in their best interest to do so. Most of the women I have met seem to have an excellent propaganda filter. The Republican party seems to send the message that it is time to reel in women's hard won rights. The Republican presidential candidate has actually said he would get rid of Planned Parenthood. Republican state legislatures have tried to pass and in some instances passed invasive ultra sound laws before any pregnancy termination. Their political platform states abortion must never be allowed even in cases of rape or incest. To be forced to carry to term the off-spring of a monster that brutalized you is unbelievable. The rational for this lifetime descent into hell is it's not the babies fault. So basically they wish women to just grin and bare it. Right wing radio and television hucksters may appeal to men but surely comments about using aspirin as birth control have to disgust all women. Once a women goes to vote her vote is just as powerful and private as any mans. Maybe a lot of women are going to show how they really feel Nov. 6th..
Monday, September 10, 2012
Go Ahead Make Our Day
Alright, let us say the Republicans take total control of the government in 2013. Now we must remember
Republicans loathe taxes and government regulations of any kind.They hate government so much they spent hundreds of millions of dollars so they could be in charge of it. Once in charge the top priority is the elimination of Obama care, Medicare, Medicaid, and the real prize Social Security. Of course this is under the guise of dismantling the safety net in order to save it. This leads them to the ultimate goal of no taxes for the job creators, them, and getting rid of any regulations. Once any burden is shifted totally from the rich any responsibility for care of the undeserving great unwashed goes to the state Republican legislators in the form of block grants. As sudden as a quick draw,it's back to the days of the Wild West and the robber baron.Soon, metaphorically speaking,there will be a new sheriff in town. Think America will enjoy traveling back to the 1850s? I won't.
Republicans loathe taxes and government regulations of any kind.They hate government so much they spent hundreds of millions of dollars so they could be in charge of it. Once in charge the top priority is the elimination of Obama care, Medicare, Medicaid, and the real prize Social Security. Of course this is under the guise of dismantling the safety net in order to save it. This leads them to the ultimate goal of no taxes for the job creators, them, and getting rid of any regulations. Once any burden is shifted totally from the rich any responsibility for care of the undeserving great unwashed goes to the state Republican legislators in the form of block grants. As sudden as a quick draw,it's back to the days of the Wild West and the robber baron.Soon, metaphorically speaking,there will be a new sheriff in town. Think America will enjoy traveling back to the 1850s? I won't.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Science is Considered Voodoo by Some in the U.S.
One thing the internet has done, is everyone including myself, can foist an opinion on the world. The problem becomes evident when everyone thinks he or she has the true answers to life rather than just an opinion. Too many people with limited educational skills reject the ideas and facts of established scientists because of their belief systems. Their beliefs become a mental placebo. Because they believe it, and it makes them feel good, their beliefs become truth. So if your beliefs make you happy scientific facts only ruin your happiness. Science becomes Voodoo because it falls outside your belief system. Now throw in your personal interpretation of the bible or any book considered holy by you, and scientists become pointy headed Voodoo priests spouting heresy. This mentality considers evolution, D.N.A. research, global warming and stem cell research as immoral magic. Watch the 2012 elections to see if we move ahead into the future or slide backwards into a repressive past.
Monday, September 3, 2012
What's Next America, Witch Trials for Scientists?
The dumbing down of Americans is proceeding at such an incredible pace, that soon they will probably run inside during an eclipse and hide in their basements or under their trailers.The idea that the bible be taken literally and that science is voodoo is taking hold, not just down South and out West but all over the country. You even have a political party that would rather govern by biblical standards instead of the constitution. Do we have to re-try the Scopes monkey trial again? I hate to point this out but the earth is not just 10,000 years old and man did not ride on the backs of dinosaurs. That was from a cartoon called the Flintstones. The earth is not the the center of the universe and the sun doesn't revolve around it.Oh by the way global warming due to mans polluting of the planet is real. You'll find this out as many of the Southern states disappear underwater. Try having a preacher pray away any new super hurricanes like some of them claimed to do in the past. See if abject denial of science and facts will slow the tides.
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