Friday, May 27, 2011

Starve the Beast...Feed the Rich

I can only hope that it is finally becoming clear to Americans that the ultimate Republican goal is to starve the government and feed the bloated gluttonous rich. Republicans have finally, blatantly showed their hand. They are on record voting to de-fund Medicare and make the elderly buy insurance from some of the same companies that contribute to the Republican candidates. Right wing governors have destroyed workers rights while giving tax exemptions to business contributers. They want to give public tax money to charter schools so the people that run them will donate to their campaigns.
Grover Norquist who advised presidents Reagan and Busch allegedly said he wants to reduce the size of government so he can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub. He has gotten almost all Republican congressmen to sign a "no tax for any reason" pledge. He is not an elected official yet, he has set the policy in motion to de-fund the government through deficits. The Republican rich have taken over this country. They don't even want to get rid of tax breaks for the richest companies in the world, the oil and gas industries. They want to starve every social program they can to give obscenely wealthy people even more. I say lets put them on a diet!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Death of an Altruistic Nation

Once upon a time long ago...there was a wonderful country where people cared about and for each other. The ruler of this land was elected by the people every four years. The ruler usually loved his country even more than the people did, and he would do anything he could to maintain peace and prosperity for all. One frigid winter day the frozen ground cracked and released a vile imp from the Netherworld. In the bowels of the Netherworld only two things mattered. They were money and power. The Imp saw the joy and happiness of the people and he vowed to destroy it. He quickly set out to corrupt the leaders of the political powers that governed the land. He soon found that only the leaders of one of the parties would really listen to his siren song of greed and power. His first confused confidant was a b-actor with a pleasant speaking style. This man actually headed a union at one time. The Imp was so successful with his indoctrination that soon the aged thespian was firing union members and cotting taxes for rich people. This was only the start. The Imp blasted his message of greed and power over the radio and television air waves. Soon bloated gas bags smoking cigars and spewing hate were the norm. Now to get rid of old people.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Some Wonderful Things Republicans Have Given Us

Step back a moment and look at a few of the wonderful things Republicans have done and are doing for America. Reagan started the whole tax cuts for the rich ideology. He said a rising tide lifts all boats. Sort of like the tsunami that hit Japan. So for 30 years, Republicans have cut taxes for the wealthy. Look at the results this brilliant idea has wrought. Republicans want the market place to rule the economy. How's your health care costs doing? How does it feel when you put gas in your car? Now when Democrats want to take back the billions from the obscenely rich oil and gas industry, the Republicans call it a tax increase. All Republicans in Congress have taken the Norquist pledge never to raise taxes. This means Medicare, Social Security, and anything beneficial to those making under $250K has to go. Remember when Republicans screamed jobs, jobs, jobs!? The only jobs Republicans create are for their relatives and the Chinese. So if your guns and prejudices mean more to you than having a job and feeding your family, vote Republican.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Doctor Heckle and Mr. Hyde

This age we live in is inexplicable. We have gone from landing on the moon to trying to discredit an American president by challenging his birth place. If something doesn't fit our world view then we just ignore reality and replace it with our own perception of how things exist. Facts no longer matter. Shout down the truth. Ideology is everything. Look at the recent death of Osama Bin Laden. President Obama made it one of his priorities and followed through. Republicans immediately started the stupid machine up with claims that torture and ex-president Bush were responsible for Bin Ladens death. The same president Bush that repeatedly said he wasn't concerned about the where-a-bouts of Bin Laden. He's on tape saying it multiple times. Doesn't matter. Facts don't matter. Spin matters. We have entered an age of de-evolution. Intelligent people are scorned while populist windbags with red neck values are elevated. If you repeat a lie enough times people with IQs that match the number of teeth they have will believe it. This is how rich Fat Cat Republicans stay in power.