I can only hope that it is finally becoming clear to Americans that the ultimate Republican goal is to starve the government and feed the bloated gluttonous rich. Republicans have finally, blatantly showed their hand. They are on record voting to de-fund Medicare and make the elderly buy insurance from some of the same companies that contribute to the Republican candidates. Right wing governors have destroyed workers rights while giving tax exemptions to business contributers. They want to give public tax money to charter schools so the people that run them will donate to their campaigns.
Grover Norquist who advised presidents Reagan and Busch allegedly said he wants to reduce the size of government so he can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub. He has gotten almost all Republican congressmen to sign a "no tax for any reason" pledge. He is not an elected official yet, he has set the policy in motion to de-fund the government through deficits. The Republican rich have taken over this country. They don't even want to get rid of tax breaks for the richest companies in the world, the oil and gas industries. They want to starve every social program they can to give obscenely wealthy people even more. I say lets put them on a diet!