Friday, February 25, 2011

Union Busting Republican Style

Well Republicans finally let the average Americans know how they feel about them. It took a trickster to get an honest response from a Republican governor. All the right wing gas bags on radio and television cannot put humpty Republicans back together again. Busting unions and ridding the political landscape of Democrats, not saving money or creating jobs, are the main goals of the greed mongers. Why are Republicans so Anti-American? Why is the Republican response to health care reform Doctors without Borders? I know this might sound far fetched but what if the Republican Party has been taken over by the Communist Chinese? Ask yourself why all the manufacturing jobs are sent to China by Republican businessmen. How come the governor of Ohio wants the communist Chinese to invest in Ohio? Let's look at the Republicans favorite country, communist China. They don't have unions. They have incredibly low wages and unsafe working conditions. Company compounds house workers on site. Sounds like a distortion of a John Denver song, Republican heaven, Communist China. Republicans may not be communists because the only master they truly serve is money.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Death of the American Dream

I believe that like everyone who pontificates writing a blog, my basic premise is correct. The overly wealthy have seized this country in a death grip. The average American doesn't have a chance any longer. Right wing propaganda has hypnotized the mentally lazy into voting against themselves and their own best interests. Middle America no longer exists. Young people, for the most part, would rather line up to buy the next electronic form of Soma and play video games, then open their eyes to the fact that they have become the lowest form of pawns. They tolerate jobs without benefits or union representation and spend their minimum wages on escapism in the forms of beer, drugs, and Iphones. They get hooked on credit cards because like the self-centered song lyrics proclaim "I want it all and I want it now." Our government representatives have sold us out to the greed mongers. They don't represent us only the monied interests that get them re-elected. The jobs have all been shipped out to China. Look at any product at any store and see where it was made. The Fat Cats have won. Because Americans are intellectually lazy and morally greedy, they will keep electing people who fool them with misdirection about guns, gays, abortion, health care, death panels, and whatever lies that work. There's no hope.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jobs Jobs Jobs

The main focus of the Fleeting American attention span is now aimed towards the realization that livable wage jobs are a thing of the past. Back in the day companies took care of their employees and employees were loyal to their company. The CEO's of major companies are now obscenely rewarded for outsourcing jobs to China and cutting workers and benefits. When companies go public, they sell their souls to the greed mongers. Workers no longer matter only share price matters.
If the pursuit of greed is the driving force of todays CEO and board of directors, then the only outcome is the demise of the American worker and his family. They say competition is the answer. Americans can't work and survive on Chinese wages. Why do Americans tolerate millions for non-productive CEO's and wages not fit for part time high school help? The pigs have been too long at the trough. All Americans are equal except when it comes to business.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

The above articles title describes the American voting public as a whole. Eight years of tax cuts for the rich created millions of jobs, for the Chinese only. Health care under Republican eight year role, was the most expensive in the world. Millions of Americans without health insurance, because their jobs went to China, had to wait for Doctors without Borders to treat them. Two war fronts were opened up and their cost was kept off the books. Bankers raped and pillaged the country into near financial ruin. Americans bailed out the bankers who promptly gave their employees million dollar bonuses.
Enter the Democrats for two years. They finally address health care and pass a monumental bill. After being spit on by the tea baggers.
The dumb, dumber, and dumbest voters in the world buy the propaganda regurgitated over the air waves by right wing zealots and put the pillagers right back in office.