Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Pity The Poor Janus Faced Congressmen
How's the old saying go, starve a fever and feed a cold?The peoples supposed representation in Congress have a different take. They say starve the elderly and the children but make sure those with enough money to fly, won't be delayed. Meals on Wheels, Head Start, Let those without rich lobbyists let them eat cake. Heaven forbid our anointed Congressmen should be inconvenienced with a flight delay while going on recess. I don't know how you can tell if a Congressman is in session or on recess, either way he doesn't do anything for his taxpayer provided salary and health insurance.39 mindless votes to repeal Obama Care, the constant genuflecting to the almighty gun lobby,the walking out of hearings on background checks when families that were devastated forever by gun violence walk in. Some Congressmen proudly proclaim how they own their own AR-15's. How can an elected official be so callous and stupid to trumpet the fact that they bought the same weapon as a mass baby killer.Especially right after the most heinous mass murder in American history. These same holier than thou types love to say how god guides their decision making.Too bad the god they seem to be invoking is the ancient Roman two faced god Janus.
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