Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Pity The Poor Janus Faced Congressmen
How's the old saying go, starve a fever and feed a cold?The peoples supposed representation in Congress have a different take. They say starve the elderly and the children but make sure those with enough money to fly, won't be delayed. Meals on Wheels, Head Start, Let those without rich lobbyists let them eat cake. Heaven forbid our anointed Congressmen should be inconvenienced with a flight delay while going on recess. I don't know how you can tell if a Congressman is in session or on recess, either way he doesn't do anything for his taxpayer provided salary and health insurance.39 mindless votes to repeal Obama Care, the constant genuflecting to the almighty gun lobby,the walking out of hearings on background checks when families that were devastated forever by gun violence walk in. Some Congressmen proudly proclaim how they own their own AR-15's. How can an elected official be so callous and stupid to trumpet the fact that they bought the same weapon as a mass baby killer.Especially right after the most heinous mass murder in American history. These same holier than thou types love to say how god guides their decision making.Too bad the god they seem to be invoking is the ancient Roman two faced god Janus.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Don't Think Just Act
Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk, spent huge amounts of time in silent contemplation. The Trappists today still value silence and contemplation. Buddhists Taoists, and many other Eastern disciplines find it vital to purge the monkey mind. The monkey mind is the term for the constant stream of useless thoughts that pervade and invade our every waking moments.Think quiet solitude applies to many Americans today? We have to pass laws to keep people from using hand held idiot devices while driving. People no longer think before they act..Doesn't matter where you stand ,sit, or walk, some incredibly insecure exhibitionist idiot , is discussing his or her life loud enough for us to enjoy.Personally I don't give a rats ass about your boring meaningless existence.SHUT THE HELL UP! Try something you've never tried before, SILENCE.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Eenie Meenie Chili Beenie The Spirits Are About To Speak
Do you remember those immortal words spoken by the worlds foremost seer, Bullwinkle J. Moose? Long before the Simpson's The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show provided adults with satire they could appreciate. The show's observations gave us a fresh insight into the early 1960's. The spy game was lampooned with the inept spies Boris and Natasha. Fractured Fairy Tales gave us twisted hilarious views of old children's tales.Mr. Peabody and his boy Sherman looked at history via the wayback machine.Now in today's boring America we have the speaker of the house playing Mr. Know it All asking what's wrong with America and pulling the President's picture constantly out of his hat.Like Bullwinkle used to say " time to get a new hat." In the Senate the Republican Jiminie Cricket look a like leader instead of singing "When You Wish Upon A Star" sings " Vote Against Gun Control And You'll Go Far." Golly says the Gomer Pyle twin Paul Ryan every time he wants to shred the safety net.How about that Ted Cruz sneer? Kinda reminds you of Snidely Wiplash doesn't he? The silly 60's are back. Too bad the cartoon and sit com characters are our elected representatives.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Make America Function Again, Boot Out All Republicans!
Americans have been trampled and gored by the elephant long enough. For far too long Democrats have been kissing the asses of these lumbering obstructionists. Republicans do not wish to govern only to dismantle. Trying to get along with them is folly. There is only one way to bring America back again. Vote every Republican out of office. The time has come for these woolly mammoths and their huge appetites for turning useful legislation into offal to become extinct. 90% of Americans want background checks for gun buyers. Doesn't matter. Obama Care is the the law of the land but this didn't stop the time and money wasting Republicans from casting 39 meaningless votes to repeal it.Hurricane victims in the North had to wait months for aid because of Southern elephants.The elephants bellow where are the jobs while accepting contributions from their sugar daddy contributors who then send them to China. The bull elephants of this party want women to bend to their will and remain silent. Send all these elephants to the political tar pit in 2014.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
I Wonder Where The Bombers Got Their Weapons ?
Now that the horrible events in Boston are drawing to a close, you have to wonder how these terrorists got their means to devastate so many lives. A visit abroad or the internet could provide the training, but the actual explosives, guns,and ammo to kill police officers had to be home grown. I wonder if they legally purchased their weapons of instant destruction at an unregulated gun show? Terrorists madmen and criminals never will have a problem getting armed up in this country. A Congressman from a Southern state actually tweeted something to the effect , he bets liberals in Boston probably wish they had AR-15's with extended clips as they cowered away. This scorn of people from the North by Southerners is so wide spread it borders on mania.It is a huge part of why this country no longer works. Whether it is hurricane relief, sane gun laws, or health care reform, the Southern and Western states are waging a constant Civil War with the North. The problem is they are winning and we are becoming a raging unsafe society. Until Democrats get control of both houses of Congress Republicans, with their utter contempt for the president and Democrats will continue to dismantle the government and promote the lucrative gun industry at the expense of the rest of us.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Apathetic Madness
When you see parents who have lost children to gun violence, call them props, and then vote against any reform, that is apathetic madness. When you smirk at policemen because they want to keep guns out of the hands of maniacs and criminals, that is apathetic madness. When you refuse to aid hurricane victims, for months because they are Northerners,that is apathetic madness. When you vote 39 times to repeal the first meaningful health care reform bill, all to no avail, that is apathetic madness. When you vote in power, politicians who wish to dismantle Social Security and Medicare, and give more tax breaks to the obscene fat cats, that is apathetic madness. When you change laws to allow millions of gallons of clean water to be forever poisoned to frack one gas well, that is apathetic madness. When you are a senator and you ignore the will of 91% of the American people, that's just plain madness.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Monsters And Cowards Are One And The Same
Another cowardly monster crawled out of it's pit and struck at innocent men women and especially children. How much more vile, evil, and scum like can some humans become? These monsters are so afraid to act like men they attack and destroy the defenseless safely hiding behind planted bombs. How much courage is needed to blow up children?I used to be against the death penalty,but child killers need quick permanent removal. Children are the most innocent of the so called soft targets.Once found to be a child killer monsters should be given the ultimate penalty. Intentional killing of children in all cases needs the death penalty.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Careful What You Wish For
I thought we elected just one president, but it seems more like 535. A lot of the members of Congress feel they are just as important as the president. The president was elected by the whole country, not just some gerrymandered district or bright red state. Thanks to your attempts to deconstruct the government America has become a shadow of a once great nation. Why do you run for a government you hate? Why not just go live in some militia compound in Montana or Texas? The more you preach,on the national stage, about how the government is coming to take your guns, or Social Security is a Ponzi scheme the more it encourages the anti government types to become more enraged. Once you stir the crazy pot to boiling these nuts,like you, think they are as important as the president. What if they decide all laws should be ignored. By constantly playing to the crazies you create the very real possibility of arousing an army of maniacs that think all government officials aren't necessary and it's the law of the jungle, every man for himself. Time to quit puffing up your chest and pretending your as important as the president. Be careful what you wish for the country.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Cut Out The Advertising Already!
Next to the oil and gas industry, the insurance industry has to be the most lucrative. If you watch television for more than 15 minutes, you'll see a multitude of cutesy characters trying to get you to switch insurance companies.There are ducks, silent guys with 1910 mustaches, boaters and bikers covered in money, two guys playing Bluegrass, a plain Jane, a mean guy doing mean things,and of course the tiresome little green lizard. They have so many commercials they have resorted to making these characters into cult icons,or so they think. I actually saw some where they pretend their little computer lizard has made verbal miscues. Enough of this inanity. How much cheaper would insurance be if these companies weren't spending multi- millions in advertising? End this nauseating duel of mascot ego's and just cut your rates.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The 9% Constituency
If 91% of the American public want a vote on gun control legislation and 14 Republican senators say they will block any attempt at even a discussion, let alone a vote, who do these senators represent? They represent the lucrative gun industry and the paranoid anti government gun freaks of America, that's who. Every state has two senators who are supposed to represent all Americans not just 9%. This is a problem all elected politicians hope will just go away. They don't want to go on the record if they can get away with it. A perpetual politician just wants to go along to get along. Not this time. The president and the devastated families of Sandy Hook won't let it be brushed aside. Americans need protection from the deranged maniac who can get a gun easier then getting on a plane. Americans are tired of smirking politicians who worship at the alter of the 2nd. amendment. Today's American politicians prove themselves to be self serving spineless jellyfish, buffeted about by the tides of special interest money, ignoring the will of the people. The people will remember!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Clothing's New Look For 21st Century America
Kevlar is the new silk of 2013. Today's modern woman will just love the new colors of gray and gun metal gray. The ceramic bullet proof inserts are so much lighter than before. These new outfits meet the most rigorous standards and are able to stop a 223 round and even a 308 caliber. A must in headgear is the new ricochet helmet with inside T.V. screen 360 degree vision. The full length gloves come standard with 50,000 volt stun capacity. Just wait,ladies, until your assailant tries to surprise you with his 15 shot glock. As the 9mm rounds bounce off your body armor you can neutralize the threat with your twin 10 gauge shotgun chest piece. Your matching pants are made from the strongest lightest titanium.Round this all off with your steel reinforced spiked boots and you are ready for anything today's maniac fire at you. And for you pet loving moms we offer a complete line of robot attack dogs. Some oiling required but no house breaking necessary.
Friday, April 5, 2013
We Don't Need No Stinking Badges
Remember the Humphrey Bogart movie High Sierra? At the end of the movie Bogart's character is confronted by several bandits. When they lay claim to his possessions saying they are lawmen he asks them where are their badges. Hence the title of this blog.Kind of sounds like the attitude of a lot of people today doesn't it ? A lot of people have a deep seated distrust of the government and this seems to be spreading to local law enforcement. We don't need stinking badges is a mentality that is rampant in 2013. Look at the amount of crazy gun violence we face today. Everyone acts like it's 1870's Dodge City. Our legislators have capitulated to the gun lobby so no cavalry is on the way. So it's time to bring back the duel. Everyone needs to start packing and be ready for the challenge at the drop of an insult. Someone cuts you off in traffic blow your horn, pull off to the side of the road, and prove your manhood. Bump carts in the grocery store dive into your purses and have at it. Just think of all the litigation that will be avoided. There is one draw back you Wild West loving geezers. The kids today are lightning fast from years of playing video games. You won't stand a chance. Yes your disdain for the Pat Garrett sheriff types will allow Billy and the other kids to put you in Boot Hill cutting off any need to raise the Social Security or Medicare eligibility age.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
The Crazy Virus
Have you been noticing how crazy is getting crazier lately? Texas, the loco weed state, has killers on the loose exterminating law enforcement officials and in some cases their wives. In Nelsen Ga. local officials have passed an ordinance requiring the heads of households there to own a gun. A study of violence in schools, by the gun lobby, recommends putting guards armed with up to AR-15's in every school. They don't suggest gun manufacture's paying for this they want taxpayer dollars to cover the cost. What about movie theaters and shopping malls? Should they hire Ninja ushers and retired Green Beret greeters? America is now nuttier then I have ever seen it,and it's not just America. The Supreme leader of a tiny Asian country is threatening to nuke everybody including the United States. Maybe there is a crazy virus being spread by radio and television waves. This insidious virus first spread by crazy hate radio and television waves has infected mostly males of the species. Once infected these males loose their sex drives and that former healthy urge turns to killing rivals.
Monday, April 1, 2013
April Fools...And The Other Eleven Months Too
Ah, here it is April Fools Day. A day to play harmless pranks on your fellow man. Too bad this holiday is celebrated by Congressional Republicans every day they spend in session. When a member of Congress is elected he or she is honor bound to serve all the members of their districts not just right wing idea logs or rich sugar daddies"'Let's repeal Obama Care,"they cry. After 36 attempts of waste of time and money nonsense, Obama Care is still the law of the land, April Fool.These guys get paid by taxpayers for this buffoonery? Yes they do,April Fool. The horrible wails over the poor economy are demanding action, April Fool, no action will ever be taken. Oh the poor innocents murdered daily by gun violence must cause action to be taken. April Fool getting re-elected to your do nothing cushy job is by far and wide your only reason for being. Maybe a change of title for these duty shirkers is in order. Maybe the should be reclassified court jesters or village idiots, at least then the antics they engage in would have meaning. This may work for awhile but Americans are growing very tired of paying April Fools.
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