Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Is Creativity Dead ?
Judging by the amount of remakes of movies, I would have to say that, as far as creativity is concerned, the entertainment industry seems dead. Special effects and pretty faces now substitute for acting skills and plot lines. How many one trick pony movies about zombies are we expected to swallow? Zombie movies consist of don't get bit and shoot them in the head. How many times can they remake the movies King Kong or Robin Hood? Brilliant movies like The Omen and The Thing should be allowed to stand alone not endlessly remade. There are millions of novels that are worthy of being visually told but the money in the entertainment industry always plays it safe and repeats repeats remakes. Another worked to death plot is the revenge plot. Someone wrongs the snarling anti hero and the bodies pile up. Vampires have gone from the loathsome un-dead to moping love interests for tweens and jaded old ladies. Who picks what movies are to be made? I think it is some acne afflicted 15 year old reading comic books and watching cartoons. The reasons adults have stopped going to the movies are obvious. True creativity can be found if you can can afford enough pay television channels. Shows like Boardwalk Empire Homeland and American Horror Story are well written and extremely well acted. Movies are now only for the kiddies, adults only go when they are dragged there by their children.
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